

Faculty/Department: Centre for Academic and Professional Advancement

Campus: Kuala Lumpur


Relevant and Sustainable Academic Programme
  • To ensure that all academic programs are compliance with the MQA/MoHE audits and accreditation criteria and in aspects of the University’s operation vis-à-vis all relevant and applicable regulatory/statutory requirements;
  • To monitor developments in the national, regional and international environment for issues which affect academic standards and quality assurance in the University; and to make recommendations to Senate;
  • To ensure all programs related quality assurance and enhancement are abide by the respective requirement and regulations;
  • To evaluate existing program(s) and provide input and advice to the Senate on the suitability of the program(s) to continue offering or review and replace with new one.
  • To provide guides and assistance in planning, development and   design of new distinct and high quality program(s) and course(s).
  • To recommend to the Senate, policies / matters relating to learning and teaching throughout the University together with its network of partners and stakeholders;
  • To ensure that every new program(s) and course(s) conform to: 
i. the University’s direction and strategic planning;
ii. the University’s academic standards and policies;
iii. MQA and MQF criteria(s); and
iv. other relevant external regulations, professional criteria and  international benchmarks.
Quality and Competent Academia
  • To enhance teaching and learning skills of academicians through training / seminar / workshop :
i. innovation of  curricular materials or laboratory experiences, 
ii. use of technology, 
iii. incorporate experiential learning
  • To provide / enhance talents for academic leadership and contribution to the wider teaching and learning community;
  • To train highly qualified and dedicated lecturers through academic training programs.
  • To disseminate good practice identified externally and internally, and liaise with external bodies to disseminate information about evidence-based good practice, national initiatives, consultations, debate and research in relation to teaching, learning and assessment;
  • To promote and nominate academic lecturers, and review the procedure or police for awards such as:
i. Awards for Teaching Excellence, 
ii. Awards for Programme (s) that Enhance Learning 
iii. Awards for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning 
iv. Awards for Community Contributions
f. To host conferences and workshops as a platform to bring cutting edge ideas to campus and highlight critical issues that learning community, need to be aware of and respond to. 
Secretariat for the Strategic Plan of the University 2016-2020
  • To monitor, evaluate and assess implementation of UCSI SP 2016 – 2020 from
i. Progress reports received from each Faculty / School towards the fulfilment of its strategic priorities for research and scholarly activity;
ii. make recommendations on those reports as appropriate to the Top management of the university. 
  • To provide reports / documents, with suggestion / recommendation (where relevant) on the implementation of SP to higher authority
Academic Competent (Students and Graduates)
  • Collaborative partnership with the academic staff in ensuring academic competent students and graduates of the University.
  • Collegiately working with the academic departments in the faculties/ institutes/ centers through the CAPA Learning & Teaching committee for achieving a high percentage of graduates whom graduate on time (GOT). 
  • Collegiately working with the academic departments in the faculties/ institutes/ centers through the CAPA Learning & Teaching committee for achieving a high percentage of graduates whom graduate with first class honours to realise the potential of excellence in academic. 


  • Min 3 - 5 years’ experience in research management field
  • Experienced in policy development and monitoring of research milestone
  • Familiar with publications protocol and event management
  • Excellence in technical writing and minutes taking
  • Academic and/or work experience related to the field of research
  • Minimum Master qualification
  • Applicant must have at least Postgraduate Degree or is pursuing Postgraduate degree
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Excellent IT skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team while also using his/her own initiative 
  • Active listening skill
  • Creative problem solving skill
  • Experience in conflict resolution
  • Good leadership skill
  • Good communication skill

Deadline: 30 Sep 2019 | Last Update: 28 Feb 2019

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