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Professor Dr Kurunathan A/L Ratnavelu, FASc


Academic Qualifications

PhD (Atomic Physics)
MSc (Applied Mathematics)
Bachelor of Science 

Areas of Interest
Complex & Social Network Analysis
Optimal Theory
Theoretical Atomic Collision Processes

Current research project

  1. Sentiment Analysis (University of Malaya IIRG grant 2019-2021)
  2. Mathematical & Statistical Modelling of Complex Network Systems (2017-2020)




  1. P. Balasubramaniam, S. Thambiyaa, K. Ratnavelu and J. Wong, Control Systems in Engineering and Optimization Techniques (2022) ISBN: 978-1-83969-789-0 Control Systems in Engineering and Optimization Techniques | IntechOpen



Chapter in Book 

  1. S.Thambiayya, P. Balasubramaniam, K. Ratnavelu and J. Wang, Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Fractional Order Stochastic Delay System in P. Balasubramaniam et al. (eds.), Control Systems in Engineering and Optimization Techniques, IntechOpen, London. 10.5772/intechopen.103702 (2022)

Papers in Press

  1. J. Chin and K. Ratnavelu, Complex network systems: New Age Musician Network, Proceedings of COMDATA 2021, AIP Conference Proceedings (2022) (In press)
  2. N. Ramesh Babu, P. Balasubramaniam, and K. Ratnavelu, Existence and Uniqueness for a New Perturbed Chaotic Jerk Circuit Model Based on Fractal-Fractional Derivative Proceedings of COMDATA 2021, AIP Conference Proceedings (2022) (In press)

Selected Journal Articles

  1. Recommended Positron Scattering Cross Sections for Atomic Systems, Ratnavelu, Kuru; Brunger, Michael J.; Buckman, Stephen J. (2019), JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA   Volume: 48   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023102  
  2. Hu, Chuan; Kumar, Sameer; Huang, Jiao & Ratnavelu K (2019) The predictors of users' satisfaction in an anonymous environment: the role of the negative true self, BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY   
  3. Kalpana, M.; Ratnavelu, K.; Balasubramaniam, P., (2019) An audio encryption based on synchronization of robust BAM FCNNs with time delays, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS   Volume: 78   Issue: 5   Pages: 5969-5988  
  4. Balasubramaniam, P.; Saravanakumar, S.; Ratnavelu, K. (2019), Study a class of Hilfer fractional stochastic integrodifferential equations with Poisson jumps,STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS   Volume: 36   Issue: 6   Pages: 1021-1036   Published: NOV 2 2018
  5. Kalpana M, Ratnavelu K, Balasubramaniam P and Kamali M. Z. M. (2018), Synchronization of Chaotic-Type Delayed Neural Networks and its Application, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol 93(2), pgs 543-555  // (online)
  6. Ali YEM, Kwa KH, Ratnavelu K, (2017), Predicting new drug indications from network analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 28(9), 1750118. (ISI journal.


  1. K. Ratnavelu (2022) Ranking of Nodes in a Network, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computational Intelligence (ICMMAACI-2022), March 02 - 04, 2022, Gandhigram, India

Professional Engagement


  1. Reviewer in IEEE Access 2022
  2. Reviewer in Neural Computing and Applications 2022
  3. Reviewer in Measurement & Control 2022
  4. Reviewer in Mathematics & Computers in Simulation 2022
  5. Reviewer in Indian Journal of Physics 2022

Keynote Speaker (Virtual)

  1. K. Ratnavelu, Keynote Speaker, 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC) USA, May 2022
  2. K. Ratnavelu, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computational Intelligence (ICMMAACI-2022), March 02 - 04, 2022, Gandhigram, India

International Committee

  1. Council Member, Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies (2019 – 2022)

National Committees

  1. Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) Steering Committee (Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM)) 2022
  2. ASM Science Awards Steering Committee 2022
  3. ASM STI Policy Advisory Committee (STIPAC) 2022
  4. Chair, Mathematics, Physics & Earth Sciences, ASM 2022
  5. Membership Committee ASM 2022

National Associations

  1. Council Member, Institut Fizik Malaysia (2021 – 2023)