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Accommodation Rules And Regulations

Accommodation Rules and Regulations

Find out more details on the accommodation options available when you come to the University. Considering the various backgrounds of the students who come from various continents and who will be residing as one community, these students will be exposed to other cultures. To live together, you would need to learn to respect one another. While all freshmen are encouraged to stay on-campus for their first semester at UCSI University, all international students are required to enrol in our Residential Hall for their first semester.

When to apply?

To secure a place (subject to availability) at our accommodation, all completed application forms must reach the Residential Hall Office at least 4 weeks in advance of the new semester.

Booking Fee

Each application must be accompanied by a non-refundable booking fee of RM 1000 (for Residential Hall Block D) or RM2000 (for Residential Hall Block E). We will secure a place for you upon receiving a receipt of the non-refundable booking fee and a fully completed Accommodation Application. However please be informed that payment of booking fees does not guarantee a place at the Residential Hall as all bookings are entertained on a "first-come-first-served" basis. In the event the University is unable to provide you a room at the Residential Hall, the booking fees shall be refunded in full. Your booking fee will be forfeited in the event that you did not make an appearance within 1 week after the tenancy start date / expected check-in date.


You have to make the full payment of the semester's rental, before / during check in to the Residential Hall. Once the rental is paid, your booking fee will then be converted to a refundable deposit. If you check in after the commencement of the semester's orientation; you are still required to pay the full semester's rental for your accommodation.

Payment for International Students

As an International student, you can pay your booking fee by telegraphic transfer. You may obtain the account details from the UCSI University website at You must submit a copy of the telegraphic transfer slip to the International Office for it to be forwarded to the Group Finance Office as payment verification.

Application Form

Accommodation On Campus
Accommodation Off Campus

Tenancy period is based on the semester, depending on the academic programme that you are enrolled in (approximately: 4 months – 116 days; 5 months – 145 days; or 6 months – 174 days).

The tenancy start and end date varies according to the academic calendar set up for the different programmes. You need to be aware of your tenancy periods during your stay at the Residential Hall.

You are to check in on the start date of your tenancy period and to check out on the end date of your tenancy period (date varies according to the academic programme and semesters).

Early check-in and late check-out are not allowed. You may refer to the Le Quadri Hotel (UCSI Block E) for a temporary accommodation should you arrived before the tenancy start date / check-in date.

Rental fees, Booking fees & Deposits

To secure a room at the Residential Hall during your application, you need to make payment for an advance non-refundable booking fee of RM 1000 / RM2000 per person. This booking fee would be converted to a refundable deposit upon receiving your full payment of a semester's rental.

You must pay for one semester's rental (please refer to the latest established rates) upon checking into the Residential Hall. The semester rental is dependent on the type of tenancy period and residential hall that you applied for in accordance with your programme intake.

Dates of Terms and Established Rates based on the Programmes for the year of 2021.
Refer to Rental Details

Airport pick-up service is provided for International students prior to advanced notice and travel arrangement details given to the International Office.

International students are paired in rooms with a local or a student from another country as it will be mutually beneficial to both since it facilitates the you, the international student to adapt to various cultures with the help of your roommate. Simultaneously, it enables both parties to learn the cultures of others from those they may already be accustomed to.

Check In

You may check in to the Residential Hall on or after the tenancy start date / check-in date.

Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm (except for Public Holidays)

For other times including Sundays, Public Holidays or any time outside the range given above, you will have to inform the Accommodation Officer, 7 days in advance for the checking in arrangements.

International Students Check In

For International Students, you are allowed to check in on your arrival at the UCSI Residential Hall (based on the date written in your Airport Pick up Forms).

Upon successful check in into the Residential Hall, you must make the full semester rental payment within the 1st week of the semester.

A late payment fee of RM 5 per day will be charged for semester rentals paid after the due date.

Check Out

You must check out from the Residential Hall on or before the tenancy end date / check-out date.

On check-out date / tenancy end date: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The next day of check-out date: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m

The resident should submit the Renewal / Termination Form to the Accommodation Officer at least four weeks prior to the end of tenancy.

During check-out, the resident will have to move all of his/her belongings from the room and return the keys / card to the Accommodation Officer. He/She is also required to complete the check-out acknowledgement form and refund notice to be considered as having fully completed check-out.

Upon completing the check-out (without renewal of tenancy) as required, the resident can collect his/her deposit refund after 2 months from the last day of the check-out month from the Finance Office.

Failure to return the keys and perform the check-out will result in replacement charges of the keys / card and check-out on behalf by the Accommodation Officer.

Should the resident fail to check-out according to the check-out time, his/her check-out will be completed on behalf by the Accommodation Officer and the deposit will be forfeited. Should there still be belongings in the room; the Accommodation Officer shall reserve the right to remove them without prior notification to the resident.


Booking Fee


Refundable Deposit

Cancel Accommodation Application


Refunded if fully paid by then


Early Check-Out



Fully charged


Did not report/show-up/check-in

(Within 1 week from the start of the tenancy period / expected check-in date)


Refunded upon

written request**


Check-Out on Tenancy End Date

(Completed Check-out process)




Failure to perform Check-Out

(after Tenancy End Date)




Cancel Renewal Application

(When renewal is approved and before the next semester’s check-in date)


Refunded if

advance is paid**


** Terms and Conditions Applied

Tenancy is renewable after the first semester, subject to availability. However, priority will be given to new students of the incoming semester intake.

You may stay at the Residential Hall for a maximum of 2 consecutive semesters. Thereafter, the tenancy may be renewed, subject to the availability of rooms, and the discretion of the Student Affairs & Alumni.

How to apply for the renewal?

Applications for renewal / termination of tenancy must be done within the published renewal period by submitting the completed Renewal / Termination Form to the Accommodation Officer.

Any late submission of forms after the due date of the renewal period will not be entertained.

Failure to submit the Tenancy Renewal / Termination Form within the said renewal period will result in auto-termination of the next semester's tenancy for the resident. A resident has to check out by the end of the current tenancy's end date.

Renewal Status and List of Approvals will be posted within 1-2 weeks after the end of the renewal period. Residents must check their own status to ascertain if their application is approved or otherwise by going through the lists posted on the notice boards and prominent areas around the Residential Hall premises.

How to appeal for renewal?

You may appeal if you are not satisfied with your renewal status within the stated period. However, the final decision is the discretion of the Student Affairs & Alumni.

You may not change your renewal / termination application choice after the renewal period or once the renewal status is published. The choice / request stated on the form is final.


For renewal of tenancy, the respective semester's rental amount must be paid no later than the 1st day of the new semester. A late payment fee of RM 5 will be charged on a daily basis for payment made after the due date.

The University reserves the right, to impose new rules and / or amend existing rules from time to time, with regards to the rules and regulations governing the Residential Hall. Such additions and amendments will be duly notified to the residents.

A resident residing in the Residential Hall under the purview of UCSI University is governed by the rules and regulations herein mentioned.

Please refer the On-Campus Rules and Regulations Guideline at the link below:

On Campus Accommodation Rules and Regulations