Assistant Professor Dennis Wong Chee De
Head of Department, Digital Creative Media ; Head of Programme, Bachelor of Creative Arts (Hons) 3D Animation Design | Department of Digital Media
Academic Qualifications
Master Multimedia (E-Learning Technologies)
BA Multimedia
Adv Dip Multimedia
Areas of Interest
Figurine Sculpture
3D Animation
3D Printing Technology
Composite Hornbow
Design Frameworks
Additional Profiles
- Third place in 3D Animated Short Film (Open Category/Professional Level) at the Malaysian Video Award 2003.
- First prize in 3D Animation for Games at the International Animex Competition of Teesside University, United Kingdom, 2004.
- Composite Horn Bow artisan.
- Hwee Ling Siek, Kin Meng Cheng and Dennis Chee De Wong(2022). The Effectiveness of Incorporating Augmented Reality in Print Design Course, Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, ISSN: 2767- 9640. Article ID 661787, https://doi.org/10.5171/2022. 661787
- H L SIEK, K M CHENG, C.D Dennis WONG (2022). The Exploration of Emotions from Print Design Course using Augmented Reality,2022 International Visualization, Informatics and Technology Conference (IVIT),pp.213-218.,e-ISBN: 978-1-6654-8648-4/ISBN:978-1-6654-8649-1, DOI: 10.1109/IVIT55443.2022.10033350.
- Kin Meng Cheng, Athirah M. Zaini, Hwei Teng Chong, Dennis Chee De Wong (2022) A Framework of Student's Learning Motivation in Virtual Reality in the History of Animation, International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2022, DOI:10.1109/ICoICT55009.2022.9914887
Book Chapters
- Dennis Wong Chee De (2016), The Perception of Malaysian Household Parents in 3D Stimulated Game-Based Learning, 80 pages, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-10 3659884154
- Dennis Wong Chee De (2020), The Craftmanship of Authentic Kaiyuan Composite Horn Bow, Vol.2, No. 6, 6-7, UCSI Newsletter e-ISSN: 2710-7256
- Midred Rosabel, Nur Aleeyah Hamidah, Samantha-Joan Tan Khong Beng, Dennis Wong Chee De (2022), Final Year Design Project Report, Vol. 02, UCSI Press e-ISBN 978-967-2782-45-2
- Sandy Jessica, Dennis Wong Chee De (2023), How I See Malaysian Art, My Journey to Malaysian Arts, 66-83, UCSI Press e-ISBN 978629757139/e ISBN 978-629-7571-39-3
Awards and Achievements
- APICTA Award, Best of Tertiary Student Project, Creative Multimedia, Merit Award, 2004.
- Malaysian Video Award, Third prize (Bronze) in 3D Animated Short Film (Open Category/Professional Level), 2003.
- International Animex Competition of Tesside University UK, First prize in 3D Animation for Games, 2004.
- CG Overdrive – CG Excellence, Outstanding Accomplishment Award in CGI, 2006.
Contributions to Society
- UCSI Reka Design Conference, 2015, UCSI Multi Purpose Hall, ICAD/ Malaysian Design Council (MRM)ICAD Malaysian Design Scape Seminar, 19th July, 2017, UCSI College Ballroom/ Malaysian Design Council (MRM)
- MY SENI Competition - Malaysia Landscape, 30th Aug, 2018, UCSI University KL Campus, ICAD
- MY SENI Competition - The Green City, 31th Oct, 2019, UCSI University KL Campus, ICAD
- UCSI Green Campaign, 3rd July 2019, UCSI University KL Campus, ICAD
- Workshop - Fundamentals of Horn Bow Making, 31 August, 2020, ICAD Studio, ICAD
Professional Affiliation
- Membership of Malaysia Reka Bentuk