Dr Wang Kang Han
Academic Qualifications
PhD Forestry Science
PhD Scholar
MSc Forestry Science
BSc Forestry Science
Areas of Interest
1. Name of Grant: ODA GCRF
Funder: UK
Project Title: Technology Roadmap Drives The Future Sustainable Bioenergy
Duration: 3 years (1 Mac 2023 to 28 Feb 2026)
Role: UCSI Co-researcher
Amount: £15,000
Status: Ongoing
2.Name of Grant: UCSI University Research Excellence & Innovation Grant
Funder: UCSI University
Project Title: Investigation on the use of modified light spectrum to enhance photosynthetic performance, biomass productivity and biochemical composition of selected tropical microalgae
Duration: 2 years (1 Dec 2022 to 30 Nov 2024)
Role: Co-Researcher
Amount: RM 50,000
Status: Ongoing
3.Consultancy Project: Algae Isolation and Culture
Funder: Petronas
Duration: 3 months (1 Dec 2022 – 28 Feb 2023)
Role: Co-Researcher
Amount: RM 80,000
Status: Completed
4.Name of Grant: Toshiba International Foundation
Funder: Toshiba
Project: Way forwards to the challenges in adaptation of Japanese research culture into
Malaysia Higher Education for postgraduate studies
Duration: 1 year (1 Apr 2022 – 31 Mar 2023)
Role: Project Member
Amount: ¥1.5 million
Status: Completed
5.Name of Grant: Regional Centres of Expertise Greater Kuala Lumpur
Funder: RCE GKL
Project: Forest Conservation Certification
Duration: 1 Aug 2022 to 30 Nov 2022
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: RM 500
Status: Completed
6.Name of Grant: Xiamen University Malaysia Research Fund
Funder: Xiamen University Malaysia
Project: Radial stem growth of tropical trees in relation to different forest sites and climatic conditions
Duration: 2 years (1 Feb 2019 to 31 Jan 2021)
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: RM 60,000
Status: Completed
Zikri AH, YT Boon, YH Boon, KH Wang (2022). Effect of processing parameters on the quality and properties of Mango kernel flour: A mini-review. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 26(4): 742-754
Ramli NI, YT Boon, YH Boon, KH Wang (2022). Effect of soaking time on the quality and properties of Durian (Durio Zibethinus) Seed Gum: A mini-review. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 26(5): 944-952
KH Wang*, MZ Hamzah (2019). Annual wood formation of tropical pioneer species related to stem diameters. Journal of Wood Science 65(1): UNSP 22. Doi.org/10.1186/s10086-019-1801-9
KH Wang*, MZ Hamzah (2018). Different cambial activities in response to climatic factors of three Malaysian rainforest Shorea species with different stem diameters. Trees – Structure and Function 32(6):1519-1530
Xiao-Jun Li, Ning Li, Fei Ren, Kang Han Wang, Chong Lek Koh, Meng Wu, Hui-Qiong Wang, Jin-Cheng Zheng* (2018). Route to design highly efficient thermal rectifiers from microstructured cellular biomorphic materials. Journal of Materials Science 53(19):13955-13965
KH Wang*, AA Abdul Azim, MH Sahri (2014). Cambial activity of Dipterocarpus costulatus in relation to different stem diameters and climate factors. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 26(4): 581-588
KH Wang*, MH Sahri, M Nazre (2013). The dynamics of radial growth of three selected tropical tree species studied through knife-cutting method. PERTANIKA Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 36(S): 117-132
KH Wang, T Nobuchi, AA Abdul Azim, MH Sahri* (2013). Seasonal variations in cambial anatomy of plantation-grown Azadirachta excelsa. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 25(1): 111-117
Kang Han Wang*, Yuzou Sano, Tomoaki Ichie, Shu’ichi Igarashi, Atsushi Ishida (2020). Growth rings of trees growing in xerophytic scrub forests of Bonin Islands. The 70th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, Tottori, Japan.
KH Wang*, M Nazre, R Halis, Z Hamzah (2016). Cambial activity of selected tropical trees in relation to different stem sizes and climatic factors growing in Malaysian rain forest. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Le Corum, Montpellier, France.
KH Wang*, Z Hamzah, M Nazre, R Halis, AA Abdul Azim (2015). Cambial activity of Shorea acuminata in relation to different stem diameters growing in tropical rainforest of west Peninsualar Malaysia. IAWPS International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology, Tower Hall Funabori, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
KH Wang*, MH Sahri, M Nazre (2013). Radial growth dynamics of selected tropical pioneer and succeeding species grown in Peninsular Malaysia. The International Forestry Graduate Students’ Conference, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.
KH Wang*, MH Sahri (2013). Wood formation assessment of Dipterocarpus costulatus using the intact tissue sampling method. The International Forestry Graduate Students’ Conference, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.
KH Wang*, MH Sahri, AA Abdul Azim, T Nobuchi (2012). Seasonal cambial activity of Macaranga gigantea from the Tropical Rainforest of Malaysia. The Third International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS), Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
KH Wang*, MH Sahri, M Nazre (2012). The dynamics of radial growth of three selected tropical tree species studied through knife-cutting method. The Third International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS), Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
KH Wang*, T Nobuchi, AA Abdul Azim, MH Sahri (2010). Seasonal variations in cambial anatomy of plantation-grown Azadirachta excelsa. The second International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS), Bali, Indonesia.
2022 Invited Speaker, The 4th International Conference on Green Technology and Design 2022 (ICGTD), Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (ITENAS), Indonesia
2015 – 2016 Erasmus Mundus ALFABET Project Scholar, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, €15,000 and Education Fee.
2013 – 2016 MyBrain 15 Scholarships (MyPhD), funded by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (CGPA : 4.0/4.0)
2011 – 2013 MyBrain 15 Scholarships (MyMaster), funded by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (CGPA : 4.0/4.0)
2011 – 2016 Yayasan Terengganu Scholarship
2010 – 2011 Graduate Research Fellowship, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia
2008 – 2010 Dean’s List, Faculty of Forestry Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia
2010 Anugerah Tunas Akademik (Recognition of Academic Excellence)
2008 Anugerah Tunas Akademik (Recognition of Academic Excellence)
Journal of Tropical Forest Science
International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA)
Japan Wood Research Society (JWRS)