Professor Dr Mogana S Rajagopal
Dean | Department of Pharmaceutical Biology
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Pharmacy), PGDTT, BPharm (Hons), RPh, MMPS
Areas of Interest
- Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society 2024
- Standard Member of Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2021
- Chairperson Scientific committee for National Pharmacist Convention, Malaysian Pharmacist Society 2021
- Treasurer of the Asian Society of Pharmacognosy since 2016.
- Committee Member of Malaysian Academy of Pharmacy since 2019
- Member of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) since 2001 (MMPS reg no: 3244).
- Member of the Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology.
- Member of the Malaysian Vegetarian Society.
- Phytopharmacology and Phytochemistry specialising in Natural Product Drug discovery and Polyherbal Formulation for Womens Health (uterine fibroid, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, primary dysmenorrhea, ovarian cyst)
Formulation development of Polyherbal and single herb.
70 peer-reviewed publication from which, 36 are Q1/Q2 papers
External grant :Completed- RM 135, 177 (Aug 2023), RM94,400 to complete in Feb 2024
Internal Grant Completed RM 207,100, RM94500 on going
Industrial Grant RM548,000 (on going)
Consultancy RM102,396 (on going), Consultancy RM 32,000 with West Point International Canada 2019(completed)
Graduated 5 PhD students
Ongoing 8 PhD and 1 Master student
1 patent, 2 trademarks and 1 trade secret (I more patent is being filed)
International Recognition
- Visiting Professor of TCM and Ethnomedicine (Innovation & Development International Laboratory, School of Pharmacy, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, China) 2023-
- Adjunct Professor Universitas Muhamadiyah Purwokerto Indonesia 2023-
- Section Editor Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia 2024-
- Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society since 2024
- Editorial Board member in Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology
- Editorial Board Member Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy
- Review Editor profile for Microbiome in Health and Disease (Speciality Section of Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology)
- Editorial Board Member Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy
- Present in Board of Directors of the Asian Society of Pharmacognosy as Treasurer since 2016 – present
- Invited Speaker “Pharmaceutical Technology innovation on Herbal Cosmetics”. 24th April 2024, STIKES Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun, Indonesia
- Invited Lecture for Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacognosy, Jakarta Indonesia 23rd March 2024
- Invited Speaker for 2nd International Conference on “Women in Multifaceted Research” 10-12th March 2024, Bihar India
- Invited Speaker International Webinar Health Polytechnic Pnagkalpinang “Exploration of Medicinal Plants as Anti-cancer Candidates” 10th April 2023
- Invited panelist for Round-Table: Current Challenges in Medical Education: Cultural and Socio-economic Differences 30/1/23 530pm University Aveiro Portugal
- Invited speaker for International Conference of Pharmaceutical Research and Practice, Surabaya Indonesia , 15/10/22
- Invited speaker for Webinar Future Development Programme on Trend and Advancement of
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, 10 - 13 June 2020
- Invited speaker for Webinar Innovation & Technology Developments in Pharmaceutical Sciences, CMR College of Pharmacy, 15 June 2020
- Invited speaker for Webinar Phytopharmaceutical Industry in the New Millenium: Issues and Challenges, Crescent School of Pharmacy, 19 June 2020
- Invited speaker at the Pre-conference Workshop and International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health, 27-29th Feb 2020, Deshbandhu College Delhi & Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU)
- Invited speaker at International Conference HETICON’18, 30-31st Oct 2018, Chennai, India
- Invited speaker at International Conference on Global Scenario in Pharmaceutical Industrial & Academic Research (IP Creation & Protection), 26-27th May 2018, Indore India
National Recognition
- Committee Member for “Perbincangan Kumpulan Fokus untuk Bengkel Hala Tuju Pendidikan Farmasi Malaysia” 18th May 2022
- Technical Committee member under Pharmacy Board Malaysia for Entry Qualification B.Pharm 2019-2022
- Council Member 2021-2023 Malaysian Pharmacist Society
- Chairperson Scientific committee for National Pharmacist Convention, Malaysian Pharmacist Society 2021
- Co-chair of the Education Chapter of Malaysian Pharmacist Society
- Auditor for the Malaysia Academy of Pharmacy 2020-2022
- Committee member of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Chapter of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society 2019/2020
- National MPS representative to the DUNAS Component Access to Medicine from the year 2021
- Certified Preceptor for PRP (R&D Akademia) since 2017
- GCP Certified (Good Clinical Practice from 8th Dec 2016)
- Health Literacy Talk for 115 for Ministry of Education staff LADAP Programme, 27th April 2024
- Invited speaker Program Pembangunan Staf: Wanita sihat, Rumahtangga Sejahtera, Organisasi Berjaya 9th June 2023, Ibu Pejabat MARA
- Invited speaker Program Sekolah Bitara SMK King George V 20th Mac 2023
- Invited Speaker Program Motivasi Kecemerlangan PdP Murid 2023/2024 SMK Tmn Connaught KL
- Motivational Talk for 200 SPM students, Bengkel Perkampungan Ilmu 9/12/22 SMK Pandan Mewah “Believing in yourself! Why Failure is not the end”
- Career talk for 80 MARA students for KIPMA programme
- Motivational talk for 600 STPM students on Effective Learning techniques during 10/1/22, Mental Health and Well Being
- Moderator and OC Forum MPS-Academy Professor Malaysia Series 1: Omicron; what we know so far? (18/2/2022)
- Mental Health Education Seminar/Webinar under Pharmacy Education Chapter – 17/10/2021
- Education Campaign on Gut Health with Biolife – Speaker on Gut Health 20/10/2021
- Invited guest speaker for National Healthcare News Television and Radio 2022 (2x)
- How to differentiate genuine to fake med, Astro 24/10/22 830pm
- National Shortage of Paracetamol 830pm 18/2/22
- Invited guest speaker for National Healthcare News Television and Radio 2021 (6x)
- Status of Ivermectin as Treatment for COVID19 Astro News 830pm 11/6/21
- Illegal Sales of Ivermectin for Astro News 830pm 31/7/21
- National Shortage of Drugs Astro News 830pm 7/8/21
- Rational Use of Drugs Astro News 830pm 14/8/21
- The standard of Masks and Public Awareness Bernama TV 18/8/21
- Public Awareness of COVID 19 Radio THR
University Appointment
- Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University 2018 to present
- Vice--Chair of Institutional Ethics Committee 2020-present
- Committee member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee from 2019 -present
- Committee Member UCSI PostCovid Task Force 2020
- UCSI Hospital Member of Pharmacy & Therapeutic Clinical Committee 2021-present
- MyRA auditor 2021, 2022
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Panel Member 2020 & 2022
- Internal Advisory Panel (IAP) for Board of Studies Faculty of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts 2019
- Internal Examiner MSc. Anti-aging, Regenerative Medicine and Medical Aesthetics 2018
International Awards
- Most Dynamic Educational Leadership Award 2024
- AVRS Achievement Award 2023
- Women in Education Leader Award at World Education Congress Award 2023
- Gold medal ITEX 2023
- Silver medal ITEX 2023
- Silver Medal in ITEX 2021
- Bronze Medal in SIIF 2021 Seoul International Invention Fair
- Special Award Asia Invention Creativity Association 2021
- Gold Medal WIC World Invention Innovation Contest Seoul Korea 2021
- Award of Merit by The Malaysia-Croatia Technology Exchange 2021
- Association of British Innovators and Inventors Award 2021
- Outstanding Woman Researcher in Pharmacy, Venus International Woman Award 2021
- ITEX 2020 (31st International Invention, Innovation and Technology, 20-23rd Nov 2020) Silver Medal
- MTEX (Malaysian Technology Expo) Merit Award 2020, 20-22nd Feb 2020 Silver Medal
National Awards
- Gold medal ITEX 2023
- Silver medal ITEX 2023
- Silver Medal PENCIPTA 2022
- Bronze Medal MTE SDG 2022 Oct 2022
- Gold Medal in MTE 2022 (March) AYIA
- MTE 2021 Gold Medal Award
- Two trademark with the filing number is TM2021029248 & TM2021029250
Industry Grants
- 2024 (co-researcher) RM 135K (2024-2025)
- 2023 (Main researcher) RM 413000 (2023-2025)
External Grants
- FRGS 2021 (Main researcher) Synergism and the Mechanism of Action of Luteolin Derivatives with QSAR analysis against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria RM 94,400 ongoing
- FRGS 2019 (Main-researcher) Standardization and The Mechanism of Action of Polyherbal Formulation MM-15 for Primary Dysmenorrhea (UCSI, UPM, UITM & FRIM) – RM135,177 COMPLETED
- FRGS 2018 (Co-researcher) Novel Acinetobacter baumanii antibiotic potentiator from Kitabalia sp, Diospyros sp., and Litsea sp. (UM, UCSI & University of Nottingham) – RM80,000 COMPLETED
- External Project: FRGS 2021 (co-researcher) Mechanistic study on therapeutic potentials of alpha-tocopherol and tocotrienol-rich palm oil extract in murine model of menopause-associated depression and anxiety- RM148,000
External collaboration
- On-going 3 Randomised clinical trial for 2 herbal products and 1 supplements
Research Excellence and Innovation Grant (REIG)
- Co-Researcher (2023)- Spectroscopic and Computational Exploration on the nirmatrelvir to human serum albumin and its toxicity studies (REIG-FPS-2023/039)
- Main researcher (2022) - In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the ameliorative effect of standardized TC-16 polyherbal formulation in murine uterine fibroid and dysmenorrhea model (REIG RM 50000Ref: REIG-FPS-2022-005)
- Co-researcher (2022)- Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Proteomic Profile and Host Immune Responses (REIG RM 50000 Ref: REIG-FPS-2022-036)
- Co-researcher (2022)- Effects of tocopherols and tocotrienols on neuroinflammatory markers of ovariectomized induced menopausal depressive and osteoporotic mice (REIG RM 50000 Ref: REIG-FPS-2022-006)
- Co-researcher (2021)- Anti-Uterine Fibroid Effect and the Mechanism of Action of TC-16 Polyherbal Formulation in Human Uterine Leiomyoma Cell Line" (REIG RM 50000 REIG-FPS-2021/018)
- Co-researcher (2020)- Establishing dysmenorrhea-associated neuropsychological phenotypes in mice and potential therapeutic effect of Polyherbal MM-15 Formulation (REIG RM 50000 REIG-FPS-2020/065)
- Co-researcher (2020)- Antibacterial mechanism and synergistic study of 7-hydroxycoumarin derivatives: structure activity relationship, molecular docking study against multi-drug resistance clinical strain bacteria (REIG RM 45000 REIG-FPS-2020/057)
- Co-researcher (2020)- Evaluation of Polyherbal Formulation, MM-15 for Dual Inhibition of 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LOX)/Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and 5-LOX derivatives in the Mechanistic Pathway of Primary Dysmenorrhea (REIG RM 49400 REIG-FPS-2020/049)
Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund PSIF
- Project advisor (2019)- Cosmeceutical project with Laurent Bleu PSIF grants of RM 300,000
- Main researcher (2019)- Formulation and Evaluation of Mangosteen and Seaweed based Face Cream for Anti-aging and Anti-acne effects. PSIF grants worth RM 50,000
- Main researcher (2019)- Phytochemical Investigation and Pharmacological activities of Passiflora incarnata worth RM 50,000
- Co-researcher (2019)- Formulation and Evaluation of Mangosteen and Seaweed based Face and Eye Serum for Anti-aging and Anti-acne effects. PSIF grants worth RM 50,000
- Co-researcher (2019)- Preparation of Alpha Mangostin Loaded Chitosan-Poly (caprolactone)Nanofibers and Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity in Streptozocin Included Diabetic Rat model worth RM 50,000
- Co-supervisor (2018)- UCSI Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund PSIF: Evaluation of the Utilization and Provision of the Written Medicine Information (WMI) among Consumers, Community Pharmacist and Private General Practitioners in Klang Valley, Malaysia” RM 7100
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Evaluation of the utilization and provision of written medicine information (WMI) among consumers in Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student name: Alice Ew Shu Min Student ID: 1001231329)
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Evaluation of the utilization and provision of written medicine information (WMI) among community pharmacists in Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student name: Mooi Xin Yi Student ID:1001335246)
Internal (Faculty) Grant
Final Year Project B.Pharm
- Main Supervisor – Final year Project (2020): Development and in vitro evaluation of a microsphere loaded cream containing Solanum lycopersicum for tyrosinase inhibition (Tan Lee Fang)
- Main Supervisor – Final year Project (2020): Development and in vitro evaluation of a microspheres loaded eye cream containing Cucumis sativus for tyrosinase inhibition (Yap Vi Lien)
- Main supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) Bacteria by the Fractions of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) ( Chong Jian You)
- Main supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Bacteria by the Fractions of Canarium patentinervium Miq.( Sook Suan Tan)
- Co-supervisor- Final year project (2019): Anti-angiogenic effect of ethanolic extract and its phenolic rich fraction of Filicium decipiens in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model (Looi Kah Xin ( 1001540215)
- Co-supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of anti-angiogenic effect of ethanolic extract and its phenolic rich fraction of Acacia auriculiformis in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model (Chong Chong Wei Chean (1001643912)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): Phytochemical analysis and in vitro non-enzymatic antioxidant effect of the Methanolic Fractions of the Leaves and Barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Koh Wei Ling)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): Phytochemical analysis and in vitro non-enzymatic antioxidant effect of the Methanolic Fractions of the Leaves and Barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Lu Min)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): In vitro 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) enzyme evaluation of the leaves and barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Foo Jun Hoe)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): In vitro enzymatic antioxidant evaluation of the leaves and barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Theresa)
- Co-supervisor Final year student project (2018) - In vitro motility and anti-spasmodic effect of Garcinia mangostana extract in isolated chick ileum preparation
- Co-supervisor Final year student project (2018)- In vitro motility and anti-spasmodic effect of Nephelium lappaceum extract in isolated chick ileum preparation
- Co-supervisor- Final year student project (2018) – Blood pressure Screening with World Hypertension Day: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study; A Study of Respondents in Community Pharmacies In Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student - Cheah Dau Jin)
- Co-supervisor- Final year student project (2018) – Blood pressure Screening with World Hypertension Day: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study; A Study of Respondents in Private University In Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student- Khor Zi Xuan) Masters level
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Course satisfaction and perception of Malaysian provisionally registered pharmacists toward their training; A qualitative Study (Student name: Hee Mei Qi; Student ID 1001230852)
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Perception and acceptance of pharmacogenetic testing among the general public in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Student name: Nithya A/P Palani Student ID: 1001335480)
PhD level
- Main supervisor (2024)
Kamalika Chattopaday
- Main supervisor (2023)
Fariha Senhufta
- Main supervisor (2022)
Chow Jie En
Leong Mun Yee
- Main supervisor (2021)
Tan Puay Luan graduated
Yap Vi Lien
Tan Lee Fang
Lim Jia Le
Yassir Mahdi graduated
- Main supervisor (2020)
Por Choo Shiuan
- Main supervisor (2019)
Najwan Khaleel Jubair Jubair (1001953426) graduated
- Co-supervisor (2019)
Omar Waleed Abduljaleel Albasri (1001953427) graduated
Aya Yaseen Mahmood Alabdal (1001954468) graduated
Masters level
- Main supervisor (2021) – MSc Leong Mun Yee convert to phd
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Course satisfaction and perception of Malaysian provisionally registered pharmacists toward their training; A qualitative Study (Student name: Hee Mei Qi; Student ID 1001230852)
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Evaluation of the utilization and provision of written medicine information (WMI) among consumers in Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student name: Alice Ew Shu Min Student Name: 1001231329)
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Evaluation of the utilization and provision of written medicine information (WMI) among community pharmacists in Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student name: Mooi Xin Yi Student ID:1001335246)
- Co-supervisor (2018)- Postgraduate project: Perception and acceptance of pharmacogenetic testing among the general public in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Student name: Nithya A/P Palani Student ID: 1001335480)
Final Year Project B.Pharm
- Main Supervisor – Final year Project (2020): Development and in vitro evaluation of a microsphere loaded cream containing Solanum lycopersicum for tyrosinase inhibition (Tan Lee Fang)
- Main Supervisor – Final year Project (2020): Development and in vitro evaluation of a microspheres loaded eye cream containing Cucumis sativus for tyrosinase inhibition (Yap Vi Lien)
- Main supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) Bacteria by the Fractions of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) ( Chong Jian You)
- Main supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Bacteria by the Fractions of Canarium patentinervium Miq.( Sook Suan Tan)
- Co-supervisor- Final year project (2019): Anti-angiogenic effect of ethanolic extract and its phenolic rich fraction of Filicium decipiens in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model (Looi Kah Xin ( 1001540215)
- Co-supervisor- Final year project (2019): Evaluation of anti-angiogenic effect of ethanolic extract and its phenolic rich fraction of Acacia auriculiformis in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model (Chong Chong Wei Chean (1001643912)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): Phytochemical analysis and in vitro non-enzymatic antioxidant effect of the Methanolic Fractions of the Leaves and Barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Koh Wei Ling)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018):: Phytochemical analysis and in vitro non-enzymatic antioxidant effect of the Methanolic Fractions of the Leaves and Barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Lu Min)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): In vitro 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) enzyme evaluation of the leaves and barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Foo Jun Hoe)
- Main supervisor- Final year student project (2018): In vitro enzymatic antioxidant evaluation of the leaves and barks of Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) (Student name: Theresa)
- Co-supervisor Final year student project (2018) - In vitro motility and anti-spasmodic effect of Garcinia mangostana extract in isolated chick ileum preparation
- Co-supervisor Final year student project (2018)- In vitro motility and anti-spasmodic effect of Nephelium lappaceum extract in isolated chick ileum preparation
- Co-supervisor- Final year student project (2018) – Blood pressure Screening with World Hypertension Day: A mMulti-Center Cross-Sectional Study; A Study of Respondents in Community Pharmacies In Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student - Cheah Dau Jin)
- Co-supervisor- Final year student project (2018) – Blood pressure Screening with World Hypertension Day: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study; A Study of Respondents in Private University In Klang Valley, Malaysia (Student- Khor Zi Xuan)
- Mujaheed Abubakar, Saharuddin Bin Mohamad, Mohammed Suleiman Zaroog, Tooba Mahboob, Mogana Sundari Rajagopal, Saad Tayyab. (2024) Nirmatrelvir, A COVID-19 Drug, and Human Serum Albumin: Computational Analysis of Their Molecular Interactions, Chemistry Select https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202400604 (IF 2.1) Q2
Sterlin T. Raj, Alexander W. Bruce, Muralidharan Anbalagan, Hemalatha Srinivasan ,Sasikala Chinnappan, Mogana Rajagopal, Kushagra Khanna,Harish C. Chandramoorthy and Ravishankar Ram Mani. (2024) COVID-19 influenced gut dysbiosis, post-acute sequelae, immune regulation, and therapeutic regimens. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2024.1384939 (IF:5.5) Q2
Wiart, C., Tan, P.L., Rajagopal, M. et al. (2024) Review of Malaysian medicinal plants with potential wound healing activity. BMC Complement Med Ther (IF3.6) Q1
Rubhan Chandran, Eusni R Mohd Tohit, Johnson Stanslas, Norazlinaliza Salim, Tuan M T Mahmood, M. Rajagopal. (2024) Shifting Paradigms and Arising Concerns in Severe Hemophilia A Treatment. Semin Thromb Hemost, Jan 15. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-1778103 (IF:5.7) Q1
Jia Le Lim, Mogana Rajagopal, Gabriel Akyirem Akowuah, Fazlollah Keshavarzi, K. M. A. A. (2024). Quantitative methods in the analysis of clozapine in human matrices – A scoping review. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 43(1). https://doi.org/10.1515/revac-2023-0066 (IF:4.3) Q3
Sterlin Raj, Mogana Rajagopal et al. (2024) COVID-19 influenced gut dysbiosis, post-acute sequelae, immune regulation, and therapeutic regimen. Frontiers in Cellular & Infection Microbiology (IF 4.6) Q1
Eva Jourdain, Mogana Rajagopal, Puay Luan Tan, Kushagra Khanna, Rubhan Chandran. (2024) Formulation and physicochemical evaluation of anti-aging polyherbal powdered facial mask. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research.
Ee Jie Leong, Lee Fang Tan, Vi Lien Yap, Mogana Rajagopal. (2024) Cosmetological applications of Citrus limon: A mini-review. IJNPR.
Lau Yu-Ping, Diana Mendonça, Mogana Rajagopal, et al (2024). Malaria – the importance of phytochemicals as sources of alternative medicines. IJNPR.
Mohamad Bakro, R., Farrukh, M. J., Rajagopal, M. S., Kristina, S. A., Ramatillah, D. L., Ming, L. C., Hadi, M. A. (2023). Assessment of prevalence, knowledge and health-related practices of dysmenorrhea among Malaysian women in Kuala Lumpur: a cross-sectional survey. Annals of Medicine, 55(2). https://doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2023.2281655 (IF:4.4) Q2
Chow, J. C., Rajagopal, M., & Por, C. S. (2023). Herbs with Acute Wound Healing Potential: A Review. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 17(4), 1506–1517. https://doi.org/10.5530/ctbp.2023.4.84.
Wiart, C., Kathirvalu, G., Raju, C. S., Nissapatorn, V., Rahmatullah, M., Paul, A. Mogana R Sulaiman, M. (2023). Antibacterial and Antifungal Terpenes from the Medicinal Angiosperms of Asia and the Pacific: Haystacks and Gold Needles. Molecules, 28(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28093873 (IF:4.6) Q2
Mahboob, T., Ismail, A. A., Shah, Mogana R., Rahmatullah, M., Paul, A. K., Pereira, M. de L.,Nissapatorn, V. (2023). Development of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: Challenges and Prospects. Diseases, 11(2), 64. https://doi.org/10.3390/diseases11020064 (IF:3.7) Q1
Yap, V.L., Tan, L.F., Rajagopal, M.,Leong, M.Y., Tan, P.L. (2023)Evaluation of phytochemicals and antioxidant potential of a new polyherbal formulation TC-16: additive, synergistic or antagonistic? BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 23(1), 93 (IF: 3.78) Q1
Kumar, D., Dey, Y.N., Pramanik, S.D.,Selvaraja, M., Rajagopal, M.(2023) Current Bioactive Compounds, 19(5), pp. 17–25,
Tan, L.F., Rajagopal, M., Selvaraja, M.(2023) Review: An Overview on the Pathogenesis of Cervical Cancer Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 17(1), pp. 717–734
Bornika Chattaraj, Arijit Nandi, Anwesha Das, Amit Sharma, Yadu Nandan Dey*, Dharmendra Kumar and Mogana R*(2023) Inhibitory activity of Enhydra fluctuans Lour. on calcium oxalate crystallisation through in silico and in vitro studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF:5.81)
Omar Waleed Abduljaleel Albasri, Palanirajan Vijayaraj Kumar * and Mogana Sundari Rajagopal (2023) Development of Computational In Silico Model for Nano Lipid Carrier Formulation of Curcumin. Molecules, 28, 1833. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28041833 (IF: 4.927)
Sulaiman, M., Jannat, K., Nissapatorn, V., Rahmatullah, M., Paul, A. K., Pereira, M. D. L., Mogana Rajagopal, Wiart, C. (2022). Antibacterial and Antifungal Alkaloids from Asian Angiosperms: Clinical Potentials. Antibiotics, (i). (IF: 5.222)
Swingle, R., Mahboob, T., Rajagopal, M., Samudi, C., Kathirvalu, G., Rahmatullah, M., … Nawaz, M. (2022). Isolation and Characterization of Werneria Chromene and Dihydroxyacidissimol from Burkillanthus malaccensis (Ridl.) Swingle. Plants. (IF: 4.67)
Vilien, Y., Dharmendra, K., Rajagopal, M*., & Selvaraja, M. (2022). Latest Evidence in the Pathogenesis of Uterine Fibroids. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 16(2), 260–287. https://doi.org/10.5530/ctbp.2022.2.24
Pramanik, S. Das, Kumar Halder, A., Mukherjee, U., Kumar, D., Dey, Y. N., & Mogana, R. (2022). Potential of histone deacetylase inhibitors in the control and regulation of prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Frontiers in Chemistry, 10(August), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2022.948217 (IF: 5.221)
Kumar, D., Rajagopal, M., Akowuah, G. A., Lee, Y.-X., Chong, C. W., Gan, P. W., & Liew, J. C. (2022). Aryltetralin-Type Lignan of Podophyllum: A Comprehensive Review. The Natural Products Journal, 12(5), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.2174/2210315511666210210160903(IF: 4.05)
Arip, M., Yap, V. L., Rajagopal, M *., Selvaraja, M., Dharmendra, K., & Chinnapan, S. (2022). Evidence-Based Management of Uterine Fibroids With Botanical Drugs-A Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13(June), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.878407 (IF:5.81)
Aya Yaseen Mahmood Alabdali, Sasikala Chinnappan, Basma M. Abd Razik, Mogana R, Shaik Ibrahim Khalivulla, R. H. (2022). Pharmacological activities of Curcumin: An update. The Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 15(6).
Tan, P. L., Rajagopal, M., Chinnappan, S., Tan, L. F., & Yap, V. L. (2022). Formulation and Physicochemical Evaluation of Green Cosmeceutical Herbal Face Cream Containing Standardized Mangosteen Peel Extract. Cosmetics. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.3390/cosmetics9030046 (IF: 2.93)
Por, C. S., Rajagopal, M. S., Akowuah, G. A., Chinnappan, S., & Abdullah, N. H. (2022). Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea Affecting Menstruating Women Using Herbs: a Review. The Natural Products Journal, 12, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.2174/2210315512666220329151557 (IF: 1.01)
Por, C. S., Mogana, R., Akowuah, G. A., & Chinnappan, S. (2022). Polyherbal Formulation for Primary Dysmenorrhea : A Review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 15(April), 1891–1900. https://doi.org/10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00316
Rajagopal, M., Paul, A. K., Lee, M., Joykin, A. R., Por, C., Mahboob, T., … Nissapatorn, V. (2022). Urogenital and Locomotor Disorders: Are We There? Plants. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.3390/plants11091265 (IF: 3.89)
Rajagopal, M., Senthilnathan, R., Shetty, S., Devi, A., Ravishankar Ram, M., Samiappan, S., & Jayaraj, R. (2022). Conceptual interpretation and clinical applicability of a systematic review and meta-analysis about prognostic valueof apolipoproteins in COVID-19 patients. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 46(December 2021), 102248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102248 (IF: 6.21)
Muthukaliannan, G. K., Baxi, S., Mani, R. R., & Rajagopal, M. (2022). A Clinical Investigation on the Theragnostic Effect of MicroRNA Biomarkers for Survival Outcome in Cervical Cancer: A PRISMA-P Compliant Protocol for Systematic Review and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Genes. (IF: 3.88)
Rajagopal, M. S., Senthilnathan, R., KM, G., Ram M, R., Samiappan, S., & Jayaraj, R. (2022). Conceptual and Statistical Interpretation of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Patient Adherence to Lung-RADS– Recommended Screening Intervals in the United States. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17(3), e25–e27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2021.11.005 (IF: 15.61)
Govind, S. K., Chandramoorthy, H. C., Sivanandy, P., & Rajagopal, M. (2022). Molecular Investigation of miRNA Biomarkers as Chemoresistance Regulators in Melanoma: A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Genes. (IF: 3.88)
Alakhali, K. M., Khadari, M. Z., Rajagopal, M., Baig, A., & Helweh, O. (2021). Attitude towards professional practice among community pharmacists’ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ars Pharmaceutica (Internet), 62(2), 118–130. https://doi.org/10.30827/ars.v62i2.15896
Jubair, N., Rajagopal, M., Chinnappan, S., Abdullah, N. B., & Fatima, A. (2021). Review on the Antibacterial Mechanism of Plant-Derived Compounds against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria (MDR). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicin, 2021, 3663315. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/3663315 (IF: 2.6)
Shaw, P., Raymond, G., Senthilnathan, R., Kumarasamy, C., Baxi, S., Suresh, D.,M Rajagopal, Jayaraj, R. (2021). Clinical theragnostic relationship between chemotherapeutic resistance, and sensitivity and mirna expressions in head and neck cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Genes, 12(12). https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12122029 (IF:3.88)
Shaw, P., Senguttuvan, N. B., Raymond, G., Sankar, S., Mukherjee, A. G., Kunale, M.Rajagopal, Jayaraj, R. (2022). COVID-19 Outcomes in Patients Hospitalised with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI): A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Covid, 2(2), 138–147. https://doi.org/10.3390/covid2020010
Khanal, P., Zargari, F., Far, B. F., Mogana R* & Kumar, D. (2021). Integration of System Biology Tools to Investigate Huperzine A as an Anti-Alzheimer Agent. Frontiers in pharmacology, 12(December), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2021.785964 (IF: 4.4)
Leong, M. Y., Mogana, R., Selvaraja1, M., Chinnappan1, S., , Choo Shiuan Por1 , Chuan Sheng Yap1, P. L. T., & K, D. (2021). A review on herbal cosmetics. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 15(October), 196–201. https://doi.org/10.47957/ijpda.v9i3.483
LF, T., R, Mogana., Chinnappan, S., R, V., & VL, Y. (2021). Various Plants and Bioactive Constituents for Pigmentation Control: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, (November 2021), 6106–6112. https://doi.org/10.52711/0974-360x.2021.01061
Lim Chiew Vien, Sasikala Chinnappan, M. Rajagopal. (2021). Antioxidant activity of Garcinia mangostana L and alpha mangostin: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology., 14(8), 4466–4470. https://doi.org/10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00776
Rajagopal, M., Senthilnathan, R., Shetty, S., Devi, A., Ram, M. R., Samiappan, S., & Jayaraj, R. (2022). Conceptual interpretation and clinical applicability of a systematic review and meta-analysis about prognostic value of apolipoproteins in COVID-19 patients. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, (January), 102248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102248 (IF 2.7)
Sarkar, N., Dey, Y. N., Kumar, D., & Rajagopal, M. (2021). Anti-mycobacterial Constituents from Medicinal Plants; A Review. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 21(19), 3037–3051. (IF 2.97) https://doi.org/10.2174/1389557521666210525120325
Lien, Yap Vi, Mogana R, Sasikala Chinnappan, Ashok Kumar Janakiraman, Tan Lee Fang. 2020. ”Topical Dosage Form & Delivery System for Pigmentation Control : A Review”. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11:1341–49
Chean, Chong Wei, Sasikala Chinnappan, R. Mogana, Ashok Kumar B. 2020. ”Anti-Angiogenic Effect of Ethanolic Extract and its Phenolic Rich Fraction of Acacia auriculiformis Bark in the Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane Model”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):156–61.
Fatokun, Omotayo, Xin Yi Mooi, Osama Helweh, Mogana Rajagopal. 2020.” Barriers and facilitators to provision of written consumer medicines information among community pharmacists in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 11(4):419–22.
Hee, Mei Qi, Fazlollah Keshavarzi, Mogana Rajagopal. 2020. ”Course Satisfaction and Perception of Malaysian Provisionally Registered Pharmacists Towards their Training : A Qualitative Study”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):101–11.
Mogana, R., A. Adhikari, M. N. Tzar, R. Ramliza, C. Wiart. 2020. ”Antibacterial activities of the extracts , fractions and isolated compounds from Canarium patentinervium Miq . against bacterial clinical isolates”. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 5:1–11. (IF 2.61)
Mogana, R., Jubair Najwan, W. L. Koh, L. M. Foh, Theresa W. T. Lee, J. H. Foo, Sasikala Chinnappan, Ashok Kumar Balaraman, och C. Wiart. 2020. ”Enzymatic and Non-enzymatic Antioxidant Potential of Methanolic Fractions of Artabotrys suaveolens”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):119–27.
Mogana, R., Chandramathi Sr, Ashok Kumar B, C. Sasikala, och K. Geethanjali. 2020. ”Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multidrug-Resistance ( MDR ) Bacteria by the Fractions of Artabotrys suaveolens ( Blume )”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):262–69.
Xin, Looi Kah, Sasikala Chinnappan, R. Mogana, Ashok Kumar B. 2020. ”Anti-Angiogenic Effect of Ethanolic Extract and its Phenolic Rich Fraction of Filicium decipiens in the Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane Model”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):162–67.
Kumar, Mukesh, Dharmendra Kumara, Mogana R, Yadu Nandan Dey, Ranjit Singh. 2020. ”Anxiolytic activity of methanolic extract of Erythrina variegata Linn. leaves in Wistar rats”. Research in Pharmacy and Health Sciences 05(04):205–8.
Sheng, Yap Chuan, Khor Zi Xuan, Yeoh Peng Nam, Mogana R, Chia Yook Chin. 2020. ”Knowledge and Awareness About Blood Pressure , Stroke and Prevalence of Hypertension : A Cross-Sectional Study in a Private University , Kuala Lumpur”. Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):168–75.
T, Sook Shuan, R. Mogana, Sasikala Chinnappan, Ashok Kumar Balaraman, S. Chandramathi, och K. Geethanjali. 2020. ”Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistance ( MDR ) Bacteria by the Bark Fractions of Canarium patentinervium Miq .” Current Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy 14(0973):112–18.
Ching, Michelle Ooi Yi, Sasikala Chinnappan, Mogana Rajagopal. 2019. ”In vitro anti-motility and antispasmodic effects of Garcinia mangostana extracts in isolated chicken ileum preparation Michelle”. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci 10(2):1444–47.
Mogana Rajagopal, Tracey D Bradshaw, Khoo Teng Jin, Christophe Wiart. 2018. ”Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy”. Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy 2(1):13–20.
Tan, Kok Kwan, Teng Jing Khoo, Mogana Rajagopal, Christophe Wiart. 2015. ”Antibacterial alkaloids from Artabotrys crassifolius Hook.f. & Thomson”. Natural Product Research (March):1–4. (IF: 1.928).
Mogana, R., A. Adhikari, S. Debnath, S. Hazra, B. Hazra, K. Teng-Jin, C. Wiart. 2014. ”The antiacetylcholinesterase and antileishmanial activities of canarium patentinervium Miq.” BioMed Research International 2014:903529. (ISSN: 2314-6133, IF: 2.583).
Mogana, R., K. Teng-Jin, C. Wiart. 2013. ”The Medicinal Timber Canarium patentinervium Miq. (Burseraceae Kunth.) Is an Anti-Inflammatory Bioresource of Dual Inhibitors of Cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LOX)”. ISRN Biotechnology 2013:1–8. (ISRN: 2090-9403). PubMed
Mogana, R., C. Wiart. 2013. ”Anti-Inflammatory, Anticholinesterase, and Antioxidant Potential of Scopoletin Isolated from Canarium patentinervium Miq. (Burseraceae Kunth)”. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013:734824, 7 pages. (ISSN: 1741-427X, IF: 2.175).
Mogana, R., T. D. Bradshaw, T. J. Khoo, C. Wiart. 2011. ”In Vitro Antitumor potential of Canarium patentinervium Miq.” Academic Journal of Cancer Research 4(1):1–4. (ISSN: 1995-8943). Scopus Indexed
Mogana, R, Khoo Teng-Jin, C. Wiart. 2011. ”In Vitro Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Activities and Phytochemical Analysis of Canarium patentinervium Miq. from Malaysia”. Biotechnology research international 2011:768673. (ISSN: 2090-3138).
Mogana, R, C. Wiart. 2011. ”Canarium L . : A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review”. Journal of Pharmacy Research 4(8):2482–89. (ISSN: 0974-6943). Scopus Indexed
A Nematollahi , N Aminimoghadamfarouj , M Rajagopal , TJ Khoo, C. Wiart. 2011. ”The first antibacterial activity report of three selected Malaysian rainforest medicinal plants”. Planta Med 77-PL9. (ISSN: 0032-0943, IF: 2.494).
Wiart, C., S. Mogana, S. Khalifah, M. Mahan, S. Ismail, M. Buckle, A. K. Narayana, och M. Sulaiman. 2004. ”Antimicrobial screening of plants used for traditional medicine in the state of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia.” Fitoterapia 75(1):68–73 (ISSN: 0367-326X, IF: 2.642).
Wiart, C., A. Kumar, R. Mogana, AW Norhanom, oS. Kasturi. 2000. ”Screening of tropical rain forest of Malaysia (Perak) for in vitro anticancer activities”. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants 1(1/2):6–10. (ISSN: 1511-8525).
Wiart, C., A. Kumar, R. Mogana, F. Patricia, K. Rohaya, Y. Ashril, AW Norhanom. 2000. ”Preliminary invitro pharmacological evaluation of tropical rain forest plants of Malaysia”. J.Pharm Pharmaceutical Sci 3(1):205
R. Mogana, Wiart C, och Kumar A. 2000. ”In vitro cytotoxic activity of medicinal Araliaceae against KB cells. Mogana R, Wiart C, Kumar A”. Asia Pacific Journal of Pharmacology. (ISSN: 0217-9687)
- MPS-National Pharmacists Convention 2021, 8th-11st July 2021, Malaysia
Webinar Future Development Programme on Trend and Advancement of Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Transformational Virtual Learning: Higher Education During COVID-19”, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, 10 - 13 June 2020
- Webinar Innovation & Technology Developments in Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Future of Pharmacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution”, CMR College of Pharmacy, 15 June 2020
- IRCPAS; International Research Conference on Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, 7-8th March 2020, Malaysia
- International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health, 27-29th Feb 2020, Deshbandhu College Delhi & Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU)
- Met-I-Con 2019; International Conference on Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technologies, 15-16th February 2019, Maharasthra India
- International Conference Role of Technology in Shaping the Future of Healthcare, 30-31st Oct 2018, MGR University Chennai, India
- International Conference on Global Scenario In Pharmaceutical Industrial and Academic Research, 26-27th May 2018, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam University Indore, India
- SIAP Conference; Shaping the Malaysian Industry Towards the 4th Industry Revolution, 23rd May 2017, Le Quadri Hotel
- Journal Natural Products Communication
- Emerging Issues in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
- British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
- Natural Products Research
- Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology
- BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
- Invited speaker Healthcare News 2021:
- Astro News 25/9/21 830pm; “Roles of Pharmacist in COVID19 pandemic to endemic & Why to buy COVID19 self-test kit form community pharmacies and private healthcare facilities”
- Bernama TV 18/8/21 830pm; Standards of Masks & Public Awareness for Protection against COVID19
- Astro News 14/8/21 830pm; “Rational use of drugs”
- Astro News 7/8/21 830pm; “National shortage of Drugs”
- Astro News 31/7/21 830pm; “Illegal sales of ivermectin”
- Astro News 11/6/21 830pm; “Status of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID19”
- Scientific Chairperson of National Pharmacist Convention 2021 -MPS
- Invited speaker for Webinar Future Development Programme on Trend and Advancement of Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Transformational Virtual Learning: Higher Education During COVID-19”, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, 10 - 13 June 2020
- Invited speaker for Webinar Innovation & Technology Developments in Pharmaceutical Sciences, “Future of Pharmacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution”, CMR College of Pharmacy, 15 June 2020
- Invited speaker at the Preconference Workshop “Issues and Challenges For the Development of Phytopharmaceutical Drug”- “The Malaysian Phytopharmaceutical Industry in the new Millenium: Issues and Challenges”, 26th Feb 2020, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU);
- Invited speaker at the International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health, 27-29th Feb 2020, Deshbandhu College Delhi & Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU)
- Invited speaker at the International Conference Role of Technology in Shaping the Future of Healthcare, 30-31st Oct 2018, MGR University Chennai, India
- Invited speaker at the International Conference on Global Scenario In Pharmaceutical Industrial and Academic Research, “Generic Medicines in the Malaysian pharmaceutical market: Driving force and challenges?” 26-27th May 2018, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam University Indore, India
- Panel guest For HBO-VICE Documentary on ‘Antibiotic Research from Tropical Plants’ aired on April 2015
- Guest Speaker at the Medicine and Pharmacy Day – “Pharmacy – the Impact on Healthcare” on 17th June 2017 (Saturday), The Grand Paragon JB
- Guest speaker at the Professional Career Forum; ‘Pharmacy –Influencing Global Healthcare’ on 5 March 2016 (Saturday), South Wing Campus, UCSI University
- Speaker at the International Drug Development Workshop: From Bench to Bedside to Marketing on 6th August 2016, Le Quadri Ballroom North Wing UCSI University (Herbal Medicine for Hepatocellular Carcinoma).
- Guest speaker at the Professional Career Forum; ‘Pharmacy –Influencing Global Healthcare’ on 5 March 2016 (Saturday), South Wing Campus, UCSI University.
- Panel guest For HBO-VICE Documentary on ‘Antibiotic Research from Tropical Plants’ aired on April 2015
- Guest speaker at the Pharmacy career option talk entitled “Community Pharmacy as a Career” 2014, 2015 UCSI University
- Speaker at the Graduate School Presentation Nottingham Malaysia 2013, “Scopoletin the potential anti-inflammatory?’
Awards (Selected)
- Special Award Asia Invention Creativity Association 2021
- Gold Medal WIC World Invention Innovation Contest Seoul Korea 2021
- Venus International Woman Award 2021
- Award of Merit by The Malaysia-Croatia Technology Exchange 2021
- Association of British Inventors and Innovators Award 2021
- MTE 2021 Gold Medal award
- ITEX 2020 Silver Medal
- MTEX Merit Award 2020, 20-22nd Feb 2020 Silver Medal
- Education Chapter Malaysian Pharmacist Society Co-Chair 2021-2023
- Technical Committee member (Pharmacy Board Malaysia) for Entry Qualification B.Pharm
- Scientific Chair Malaysian Pharmacist Convention 2021
- Review Editor in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
- Technical Committee member under Pharmacy Board Malaysia for Entry Qualification B.Pharm 2019-2022
- Auditor for the Malaysia Academy of Pharmacy
- Scientific committee for National Pharmacist Convention 2020
- Committee member of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Chapter of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society 2019
- Advisor to NextTx Sdn Bhd Malaysia
- Collaboration with SME: Antidiabetic activity of Formulation in streptozocin induced diabetic rat model
- Research collaborations with UM (Dept of Microbiology), University of Nottingham Malaysia, UPM, UITM and FRIM
- Collaboration with Natural Wellness Sdn Bhd
- International Collaborations with University of Wailalak Thailand, Nihon Pharmaceutical University Japan
- Editorial Board Member in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
- Editorial Board Member Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy (2021)
- Review Editor profile for Microbiome in Health and Disease (specialty section of Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology)
- Editorial Board Member Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy (2016- present )
- Present in the Board of Directors as the Treasurer of the Asian Society of Pharmacognosy since 2016.
- Advisor for PharmCare Community project 2019
- Advisor for Know Your Medicine Campaign 2018-2019 in collaboration with MOH at UCSI University
- Counsellor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2017 Know your Medicine at Sri Cendekia Flats, Cheras on the 15th July.
- Counsellor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2016 Mental Health at Hatten Square, Melaka from 23-24th July.
- Counselor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2015 Cancer Awareness at Giant Bandar Kinrara Mall, Puchong 25-26th July
Consultancy for Neutrovis Sdn Bhd 2022-2025
Consultancy for Natural Wellness Sdn Bhd 2023-
Consultancy with West Point International Canada 2019
Community Service
- Advisor for PharmCare Community project 2019, 2020, 2021,2022, 2023
- Advisor for Know Your Medicine Campaign 2018-2019 in collaboration with MOH at UCSI University
- Counsellor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2017 Know your Medicine at Sri Cendekia Flats, Cheras on the 15th July.
- Counsellor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2016 Mental Health at Hatten Square, Melaka from 23-24th July.
- Counselor for Annual Public Health Campaign 2015 Cancer Awareness at Giant Bandar Kinrara Mall, Puchong 25-26th July
Volunteer Work
- Mobile camp for Flood disaster Relief 2021
- Food Relief Network 2013-2015
- Smoking cessation Programs organized by Guardian Pharmacy 2008-2010
Scientific Contributions
Standard Member of Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2021
Chairperson Scientific committee for National Pharmacist Convention, Malaysian Pharmacist Society 2021
Key committee member of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Chapter of the Malaysia Pharmaceutical Society 2019
Member of the Malaysian Academy of Pharmacy 2018 (development and management of certification of pharmacy practice modules)
Certified Preceptor for Provisionally Registered Pharmacist (PRP) Training– since 2017
Examiner tasks
PhD level
External examiner (2023)- PhD project; Antibiofilm and anticancer potential of phytofabricated silver nanoparticles from Ficus vasta Forssk. fruit extract (student name: Bondili Pavani Bai - 4178 – Biotechnology)
External examiner (2023) PhD project Virtual Screening Studies to Design Novel and Potent Transforming Growth Factor Beta Type I Receptor Inhibitors (student name:Poli Sudheer Kumar Reddy – 4145)
External Examiner (2021)- PhD Project; Use of a modified iChip for bacterial isolation from a tropical peat swamp forest with emphasis on a novel antimicrobial-producing bacterium Chitinophaga extrema (Student name: : Calvin Goh Bok Sun -Monash University )
Internal examiner (2018) – PhD project; Preparation and evaluation of recombinant growth factor loaded nanoparticles for mucosal delivery (Student name: Marwan Abdelmahmoud Abdelkarim Maki UCSI University (Student ID: 1001334804)
Masters level
- Internal examiner (2018) – Masters project; Efficacy and Safety Of Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Student name: Dr.Thein Han Htwe, Student ID: 1001336281)
- Internal examiner (2018) – Masters project; Community pharmacists’ intentions to report adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in Malaysia using the theory of planned behaviour: a cross-sectional study in Johor, Malaysia (Student name: Hari Pretha Nair A/P Raghvan Student ID: 1001128735)
- Internal examiner (2018) – Masters project; Prevalence of adverse drug reactions towards human papilloma virus vaccine in Malaysia (Student name: Chang Lina Student ID: 1000819502)
- Internal examiner Masters of Pharm Tech (2017) - Project proposal title: Design and characterisation of self-microemusifying system of verinostat for enhanced bioavailability (Student name: Tahani Islam; Student ID: 1001746194)
Final year BPharm project
- Internal examiner (2017) – Final year project; Beliefs and practices regarding childhood fever among English-speaking Malaysian parents in Kuala Lumpur (Student name: Hew Yu Hua)
- Internal examiner (2016) – Final year project; Knowledge and attitude of patients towards inappropriate use of herbal supplement for self-medication (Student name: Choong Yuan Chyi)
- Internal examiner (2015) - Final year project; Evaluation of Inhibitory Effect of Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon) Seed Oil on Leukocyte Migration and Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Production in Acute Inflammation (Student Name: Goh Chuhn Hung; Student ID: 1001232316)