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Assistant Professor Jeff Lai Wan Fei

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications


Areas of Interest
Bank valuation
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

No. Name of grantFunderProject TitleCodeDurationRoleAmountStatus
1.FRGSFRGSDevelopment of Credit Rating Model for SME'sFRGS/1/2016/SS01/UCSI/02/13 yearsMemberRM61320.75Closed


Current Research Project

​Bank valuation


Current Research Grant

Name of grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Funder: Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia
Duration: 01/08/2016 till 31/07/2019
Project title: Development of Credit Risk Model for SME’s
Role: Co- Investigator


Selected Journal Articles

  1. Zixin, T., Siyu, H., Fei, L. W., & Mamun, A. A. (2021, June). Adoption of Cashless Payment Practices Among Malaysian Millennials. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (pp. 455-468). Springer, Cham.
  2. Lai, W. F., Ngerng, M. H., and Ho, M. Y. (2016). Anticipating the logistics companies’ preference on technology adoption: AHP approach. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 10(2/3/4), 346. ( Inderscience - Scopus Indexed)
  3. Lai, W. F., and Ngerng, M. H. (2015). Analysis of decision making on selection of the social networking sites by college students. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 23(May), 23–32. (Scopus Indexed)


List of Proceedings

  1. Exploring Students’ Preference for Social Networking Sites in Malaysia. (2014). Proceedings of Global Conference Business and Social Science 2014. ISBN: 978-967-13147-0-8
  2. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model to Anticipate Logistics Organization’s Preference for Operations Research (OR) Tools adoption. (2013). Library of Congress Publication Data Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. ISSN: 1556-8296


List of current undergraduate supervision

  1. Name: Priza Hanifa Ramadhani and Sheila Ariesta Putri
    Topic: A Comparative Study On Consumers’ Acceptance Level Of Cashless Society In   Malaysia And China
  2. Name: Ng Yeong Jing and Thean Lie Huan
    Topic: Determinants of Foreign Exchange Rate in Malaysia

Award and Achievements

  1. Best Lecturer Award 2018
    Awarding body: Faculty of Business & Information Science, UCSI University

  2. Outstanding Young Researcher Award
    Awarding body: Faculty of Business & Information Science, UCSI University

  3. Best Young Researcher 2015.
    Awarding body: Faculty of Business & Information Science, UCSI University

List of Membership in Professional and Academic Bodies

Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, UK


  1. Theory and Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process/Analytic Network Process (ISAHP), 23rd - 6th June , 2013, IIUM
  2. GLBOAL CONFERNCE ON BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCINECE 2014, 15th-16th Dec, 2014, GATR Enterprise
  3. International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS 2021), 25th-26th June, 2021, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan