UCSI University Hope Revive Club visits the ‘Rumah Kasih’ Orphanage

KUALA LUMPUR: 30 students and two lecturers of UCSI University’s (UCSI) Hope Revive Club recently visited the Rumah Kasih orphanage in Petaling Jaya. 

Established in 2006 by Persatuan Kebajikan Kasih, Rumah Kasih houses 16 girls between the ages of 4 and 17. The orphanage provides them shelter, wholesome nutrition, sound social skills and dependable advice, as well as basic healthcare. 

The primary objective of the visit was to bring cheer and happiness to the children. To achieve that, members of the Hope Revive Club interacted with the children through amusing games and activities such as Old Maid and Charades, to name a few. The children also introduced the games they invented to members of the Hope Revive Club. 

The UCSI students also helped the caretakers clean the vicinity of Rumah Kasih. 

At the end of the visit, goodie bags containing a generous amount of various candies were distributed to the children of the orphanage.

From the visit, the Club members took home a few valuable lessons. They learned to project hospitality by communicating and interacting with the children and caretakers of the orphanage in a tactful manner.

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