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Assistant Professor Dr Deiva Sigamani Subbramania Pattar

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications

Phd in Engineering
Master of Engineering in Applied Electronics
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Areas of Interest
Medical Signal & Image Processing
VLSI Applications
Computer Simulations
Professional Bodies

Graduate Member, Board of Engineers Malaysia 

Senior Member, IEEE 

Member, IET 

CEng (Engineering Council, UK) 

Member, IACIST, Singapore 


  1. Deivasigamani.S*, D.Siva Sundhara Raja, IR. Pratap Nair, Farah Adilah Binti Jamaludin, & Rosalind Deena Kumari. (2022). PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND THE BENEFITS OF THEIR APPLICATION IN EDUCATION SECTORS. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2760–2766. (Scopus, Q4, WoS). 

  1. S.Deivasigamani*, Raman Raguraman, Bala Selladuri, R.Badlishah Ahmad, Segar Rajamanickam, “Implementation of Outcome-Based Education for Engineering Accreditation Exercise”, Journal of Positive School Psychology, PP:2185-2192|Vol.6 No.2(2022), ISSN: 2717-7564.(Scopus). 

  1. Ibrahima sory keita, Ir. Pratap Nair, Haarindra Prasad, Sudhakara pandian, S.Deivasigamani* “Classification of Benign and Malignant MRIs Images using SVM Classifier for Brain Tumor Detection”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology. Volume 70 Issue 2, 221-228, February 2022, ISSN:2231-5381/https://doi:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V7012P226. (Scopus, Q4). 

  1. Prakash K,   Syafrah Binti Abd Jalil, Narmadha.G, Rajesh.P.K, Deivasigamani.S*, “Computer Aided Automatic Detection and Diagnosis System of Wound and Ulcer Care for Diabetic Patient”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, PP: 51-57 | Volume-11 Issue-3, February 2022. DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.C3365.0211322

  1. Deivasigamani. S*,  G.Narmadha, C.Senthilpari, Wong Hin Yong, P.K.Rajesh, “Epileptic EEG signal classifications based on DT-CWT and SVM classifier”, Journal of Engineering Research, Vol 10, No2A, 2021, ISSN:2307-1885, DOI: , Academic publication council, Kuwait, (SCI, ISI, SCOPUS, Q3) 

  1. Narmadha. G*, Deivasigamani. S, Balasubdra. K, Selvaraj.M, “A LOW POWERANDHIGHSPEEDAPPROXIMATEADDERWITH0.12μm CMOSTECHNOLOGY FOR IMAGE PROCESSING APPLICATIONS”, Journal of Engineering Research, 2021, ISSN:2307-1885, DOI: (SCI, ISI, Scopus, Q3).  

  1. G. Narmadha, M. Malathi, S. Ashok Kumar, T. Shanmuganantham, S. Deivasigamani, “Performance of implantable antenna at ISM band characteristics for biomedical base”, ICT Express, 2021, ISSN 2405-9595,  (SCI, ISI, Scopus, Q1). 

  1. Deivasigamani, S*., Senthilpari, C. & Yong, W.H. Machine learning method based detection and diagnosis for epilepsy in EEG signal. J Ambient Intell Human Comput (2020).  (SCI, ISI, SCOPUS, Q1). 

  1. Dhinakar Pazhani*, Deivasigamani, S.K.A Ahamed Kandu Sahib, P.Senthilkumar, "A Novel Battery Charging In Electric Vehicle Using Non Isolated Zeta Converter", Solid State Technology, ISSN:0038-111X, Vol 63 No 6 (2020), Pg:22225-22234. (SCOPUS, Q4). 

  1. S. Deivasigamani*, G. Narmadha, Manickam Ramasamy, Haarindra Prasad, Pratap Nair, “Design of Smart Pulse Oximeter using ATMEGA 328 Microcontroller”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies, 11(3): 696-700(2020).  (SCOPUS, Q4) 

  1. Narmadha G, Haarindra Prasad, Nivetha K, Raman Raguraman, Manickam.R, Deivasigamani*, Design of Phase Locked Loop(PLL) Using CMOS Technology", Solid State Technology, ISSN:0038-111X, Vol 63 No 5 (2020), Pg:7501-7506. (SCOPUS, Q4). 

  1. Dr.G.Narmadha, S.Deivasigamani*, S.Sivaguru, Manickam Ramasamy, “Wireless Biometric Data Protection in Pendrive”, Caribbean Journal of Science, ISSN: 0008-6452, Vol 53 Issue 2(May-Aug) 2019, PP-1089-1093. 

  1. S. Deivasigamani*, Vissakam Ganesan, Dhinakar Pazhani, Manicakm Ramasamy,  Umayal, “Gabor Transform Based Glioma Brain Tumor Detection Using Neural Networks”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN:0975-4024, Vol 10 No 6 Dec 2018-Jan 2019, DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2018/v10i6/181006008.  (SCOPUS, Q4). 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, C. Senthilpari, Wong Hin Yong, “Computer aided automatic detection and classification of EEG signals for screening epilepsy disorder”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1016-2364, DOI: 10.6688/JISE.2018.34.3.7. (SCI, ISI, SCOPUS, Q3). 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, C. Senthilpari, Yong, W.H. (2016), “Classification of  EEG focal and non-focal EEG signals using ANFIS classifier for Epilepsy detection”  Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technolo., 26: 277-283. Doi:10.1002/ima.22199  (SCI, ISI, SCOPUS, Q2). 

  1. G Narmadha, K Balasubadra and S. Deivasigamani* . Article: “Design and Implementation of Time Efficient Carry Select Adder using FPGA”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 3 (2015) pp. 7215-7227. (SCOPUS, Q4). 

  1. G Narmadha*, S Deivasigamani and K Balasubadra. Article: An Efficient Multi-Path Delay Commutator Architecture. International Journal of Computer Applications 98(17):21-23, July 2014. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, “Realization of FPCA in scalar multiplication algorithms for FPGA implementations”, International J. of Multidispl. Research & Adves. In Engg., (IJMRAE) ISSN 0975-7074, Vol.5, No.III (July 2013), PP.85-93. 


  1. S. K. UmaMaheswaran, S. Deivasigamani, K. Joshi, D. Verma, S. Kumar Rajamani and D. S. ROSS, "Computational Intelligence Approach to Improve The Classification Accuracy of Brain Tumor Detection," 2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), Moradabad, India, 2022, pp. 1192-1196, doi: 10.1109/SMART55829.2022.10047792. 

  1. Mohammed Fasith M, Mugesh Kumar A, Narmadha G, Deivasigamani S, “IoT Based Fruit Quality Management”, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol(2)4, 2022, REST Publisher ; ISBN: 978-81-948459-4-2, Pg; 60-63, DOI: (Book Series). 

  1. ChekHong LEE, Manickam RAMASAMY, S.DEIVASIGAMANI, M.K.A.Ahamed KHAN, “IoT Based Farming System”, Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of AMMC 2022, Volume.30, pg:1059-1069, doi:10.3233/ATDE221132. 

  1. C.Senthilpari, K.Diwakar, Deivasigamani, P.Velrajkumar, Rajenthyran Ayavoo, “Power Efficiency Top-Down ALU for Error Correction and Detection Circuit”, Third International Conference on Communication, Computing, and Industry 4.0, IEEE Conference ID: 56876, 15-16 December 2022, Bangalore, India. 

  1. Rosalind Deena Kumari, Senthilpari, Lee Lini, Deivasigamani, “Low Power and High-Speed Decoder Circuit Using LDPC Codes”, Ninth International Conference on the Advances in Information Technology and Networking (ICATN’22), Coimbatore, India, 4 November 2022, PP:11-18. 

  1. M. Ramasamy, G. Narmadha and S. Deivasigamani, "Carry based approximate full adder for low power approximate computing," 2019 7th International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications (ICSCC), Sarawak, Malaysia, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ICSCC.2019.8843644. 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*,  Manickam Ramasamy, Sivasundhara Raja, “Classification of EEG Signals Using SVM classifier for Screening Epilepsy Disorder”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Humanities & Trends, UTAR, Malaysia, 26 October 2018.. 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, C. Senthilpari,   Wong Hin Yong, “Computer aided automatic detection and classification of EEG signals for screening epilepsy disorder”, International Conference on Research in Engineering, Computers & Technology, NIT, Trichy, India, 8-10September 2016. 

  1. Deivasigamani. S, “Design of hand held cost effective ABCD (Automated Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection) public health care devices.”, 20 August 2016, Falling Walls Lab, Malaysia   

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, Narmadha. G, Balasubadra. K, “Realization of Generalized Parallel Counter for improving FPGA Performance”, ICINC proceedings, 2-3 December 2011, Bangkok, Thailand (International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing). 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, Rahila Bilal, Dr.Rajaram, “A fast computation of ECC Scalar Multiplication with using Radix 4 Multiplexer-based array multiplier”, NCMOC (National conference on Microwave and Optical Communication) proceedings, 16th April 2009, karaikudi, India. 

  1. Deivasigamani. S*, Rahila Bilal, Dr. Rajaram, “High Speed Scalar Multiplication on a parallel Architecture”, ICACI (International Conference on Advanced Communication and Informatics) proceedings, 11-13 January 2009, Vellore, India

Awards and Recognitions

Best supervisor Award- 2018 IEEE Malaysia Section of Signal and Image Processing and Analysis.  

Best paper Awards - ICCCI 2011 Conference, Thailand  

                                 ICRECT 2016 Conference, India  

                                 ICCCI 2022 Conference, India 

Award for Excellence in Overall Academic and Research Performance- 2016 AIMST University