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Associate Professor Dr Liew Chee Yoong

Associate Professor | Department of Accounting and Finance

Academic Qualifications

Postgraduate Tertiary Teaching Diploma (PGDTT)

PhD Finance

Masters of Business Administration (Finance)(Distinction)

Bachelor of Business

Areas of Interest
Green and Climate Finance
Green Growth
Sustainable Finance
Corporate Finance
Financial Inclusion
Financial Innovation, Digital Finance and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
Market Microstructure
Financial Investment
Business Economics and Information Economics
Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Risk-Spillover and Financial Contagion

Dr. Liew’s research interests are in corporate governance, corporate finance, financial development, information economics & management, market microstructure, applied finance & economics as well as interdisciplinary business research. He was appointed as an Executive Committee member of BAFA Special Interest Group (SIG) for Interdisciplinary Research in the field of accounting and finance since July, 2019. He was also one of the best participants worldwide (Best 14 out of 80 articles submitted globally) to be fully sponsored to attend and present a paper at the 5th International Conference on Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets held in Leipzig, Germany in September, 2015 as well as in the 6th International Conference on Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets in Amsterdam in July, 2018. This is the best corporate governance conference on emerging markets in the world which is organised and sponsored by The International Finance Group of the World Bank together with their affiliated partners. In addition, his research work have been cited by International Review of Financial Analysis (in 2020), Journal of Family Business Strategy (in 2015), Journal of Business Ethics (in 2017 and 2018), Contemporary Economics (in 2019), Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (in 2022) and Law book published by Cambridge University Press (in 2019). He was also invited to a finance talk session by the prestigous Malaysian BFM89.9 radio channel as well as interviewed by the Malaysian Reserve newspaper in 2021 and the Star newspaper in 2022. His academic skills are also endorsed by the past President of the Midwest Finance Association of USA. His research have been published in WOS Social Science Citation Indexed (SSCI) journals, ABDC ranked journals, ABS (AJG) ranked journals and Scopus Indexed ranked journals. Currently, he is a Member of the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Emerging Markets. He is also the external assessor for Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Sarawak Campus's foundation studies programme. In addition, he is also a research fellow with Center of Market Education Malaysia. He also won the Best Presenter Award at the Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) International Conference in 2021 organised by University of Indonesia, University of Malaya, UCSI University, University of Tokyo and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. He was also ranked top 10% of all authors in Social Science Research Network (SSRN) by all-time downloads for 2021.


Current research project

  • Green Growth - 2023-2026
  • Financial Inclusion - 2023-2024
  • Financial Stability - 2023-2024
  • Risk-Spillover - 2023-2024
  • CSR and ESG, Value-at-Risk (VAR) - 2023-2024
  • Capital Structure and Firm Characteristics - 2023-2024
  • Renewable Energy Adoption- 2023-2024
  • Sustainable Financial Behaviour

Completed research project

  • SEGi University internal research grant project (Ref : SEGiIRF/2014-37/FOBAM-2/52)(worth RM 12,000/=) entitled “Directors’ Remuneration, RemunerationCommittee Independence, Directors’ Turnover, Ownership Concentration And Firm Value : Evidence from Malaysia for a maximum period of 2 years from 2014 to 2016.
  • Research grant project from the Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment, Malaysia (2008-2013) entitled “Family Firms, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence From Malaysia”.
  • Research grant project from the Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment, Malaysia (2003) entitled “Relationship Between Corporate Profits & Capital Structure, Fixed Assets & Working Capital In The Malaysian Context”.

Research Grant

No. Name of grantFunderProject TitleCodeDurationRoleAmountStatus
1Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTI) GrantMinistry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTI)Corporate Finance 1 yearPrincipal InvestigatorRM3,000/=Completed
2Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTI) GrantMinistry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTI)Corporate Governance 3 yearsPrincipal InvestigatorRM10,000/=Completed
3SEGi University Research GrantSEGi University MalaysiaCorporate GovernanceSEGiIRF/2014-37/FOBAM- 2/522 yearsPrincipal InvestigatorRM12,000/=Completed
4Anhui Provincial Government Research GrantAnhui Provincial Government, People's Republic of ChinaDigital Finance2022CX035,2022cx051,2023AH040170,2022AH051931,20YJCZH028,AHSKY2022D105,SK2021A0641,2021XCXTDPY042 yearsCo-ResearcherUSD 14,000/=On-going
5Research Excellence Innovation Grant (REIG)UCSI University MalaysiaGreen GrowthREIG – FBM – 2022/0512 yearsPrincipal InvestigatorRM 20,233/=On-going
6Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE)Green GrowthFRGS/1/2023/SS06/UCSI/02/13 yearsPrincipal InvestigatorRM 133,000/=On-going
7Internal Research Grant of Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, MalaysiaAsia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, MalaysiaSustainable Financial BehaviourRDIG/07/20232 yearsCo-ResearcherRM 10,000/=On-going


Research Report / Working Papers

  • Acknowledgment of assistance in The ICT Adoption Among Small & Medium Size Industries (SMEs) In Malaysia, United Nations University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; Lal, K. & Ong, S.F. (2005).



  1. Menkveld, A. ….. Liew, C.Y. et al. (2024). Non-standard errors. The Journal of Finance ( WOS Social Science Citation Indexed (SSCI) JCR Quartile 1 IF 7.915, Scopus indexed Quartile 1, Australian Business Deans Council A* ranked, AJG 2022 ranked 4* and Financial Times Top 50 journal, Publisher : Wiley)(Forthcoming).
  2. Matemilola, B., Kijkasiwat, P., Liew, C.Y. (2024). How does the age of firms influence their effect on capital structure decisions ? Evidence from firms in emerging markets. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, WOS ESCI, AJG 2022 Rank 1, Publisher : Springer)(Forthcoming).
  3. Wu, J., Liew, C.Y. (2024). How does the age of firms influence their effect on capital structure decisions ? Evidence from firms in emerging markets. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, WOS ESCI, AJG 2022 Rank 1, Publisher : Springer)(Forthcoming).
  4. Wu, J., Liew, C.Y. (2024). Corporate social responsibility practices, corporate sustainability, venture capital and corporate governance: Evidence from Chinese public-listed firms. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (Scopus Indexed Quartile 3, WOS ESCI, ABDC “C” ranked, Publisher : Universiti Sains Malaysia)(Forthcoming).
  5. Wu, J., Liew, C.Y. (2024). Examining the effects of and moderating influences on environmental, social and governance information disclosure on Value-at-Risk: Evidence from Chinese listed companies. International Journal of Business and Society (Scopus Indexed Quartile 3, WOS ESCI, ABDC “C” ranked, Publisher : Universiti Malaysia Sarawak) (Forthcoming).
  6. Dawood, H. M., Liew, C.Y., Edna Santhanarajan, M. (2023) Land Title Solutions Across The World With Blockchain: A Review. In A. Jreisat & M. Mili (Eds.), Blockchain in Real Estate: Theoretical Advances and New Empirical Applications (pp. 233-255). Singapore: Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
  7. Wu, J., Liew, C.Y. (2023) Revisiting the Nexus between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Value: Evidence from China. Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management. Doi: (SSCI JCR Q1 IF 9.8, ABS 1, ABDC “C” ranked, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, Publisher : Wiley).
  8. Ramaian Vasantha, N., Liew, C. Y., & Kijkasiwat, P. (2023) Exploring financial inclusion in MENA countries: an entropy weight approach. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 16(6), 1219-1247. doi:10.1108/IMEFM-11-2022-0451 (ABS1, AJG1, ABDC "B" ranked, SSCI JCR Q2, IF 2.853, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, CiteScore 3.8, Publisher : Emerald)
  9. Wu, J., Liew, C.Y. (2024). Revisiting the Nexus between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Value: Evidence from China (Forthcoming). Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management (SSCI JCR Q1 IF 9.8, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, ABS 1, ABDC "C" ranked)(Forthcoming).
  10. Wu, J., & Liew, C. Y. (2023). Green finance and environmental, social, and governance: evidence from Chinese listed companies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-023-30139-x (SCIE JCR Q1 IF 5.8, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, Publisher : Springer).
  11. Song, B. L., Liew, C.Y. (2023). Customers’ Satisfaction and Continuance Intention to Adopt Fintech Services: Developing Countries’ Perspective. In M. Naved, Devi ,V. A., Gupta, A.K (Ed.), Fintech and Cryptocurrency (pp. 105-136). United States of America: John Wiley & Sons (Scopus Indexed)
  12. Ramaian Vasantha, N., Liew, C. Y., & Kijkasiwat, P. (2023). Exploring financial inclusion in MENA countries: an entropy weight approach.. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) doi:10.1108/IMEFM-11-2022-0451 (ABS1, AJG1, ABDC "B" ranked, SSCI JCR Q2, IF 2.853, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, CiteScore 3.8, Publisher : Emerald)
  13. Dawood, H. M., Liew, C.Y., Rajan, M. E. S. (2023). Fintech Credit Platforms’ Perceived Risk Facets and Factors: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 15 (01), 164-203. doi:10.34111/ijefs.202315109 (Scopus Indexed Quartile 2, CiteScore 2.0, Publisher : Social Sciences Research Society).
  14. Ali, K., Hu, H., Liew, C.Y., Du, J. (2023). Governance Perspective And The Effect Of Economic Policy Uncertainty On Financial Stability: Evidence From Developed And Developing Economies. Economic Change And Restructuring, 56, 1971-2002 (ABS1, AJG1, SSCI JCR Q2 IF 1.708, ABDC "B" ranked, Scopus Index Quartile 2)
  15. Kijkasiwat, P., Hussain, A., Nisar, U., Liew, C.Y. (2023). The Mediating Effect of Innovation On The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence From Developed And Developing Countries. Asian Academy of Management Journal (Scopus Indexed Quartile 3, CiteScore 2.1, WOS ESCI, Publisher : Universiti Sains Malaysia).
  16. Tan, C., Liew, C.Y. (2023). Health belief and behaviour: An analysis of the predictors for receiving COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia. Public Administration And Policy : An Asia-Pacific Journal Special Issue, 26(1), 36-51 (Scopus Indexed Quartile 2, WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI)).
  17. Duppati, G., Kijkasiwat, P., Hunjra. A.I., Liew, C.Y. (2022). Do Institutional Ownership And Innovation Influence Idiosyncratic Risk ? Global Finance Journal (Australia Business Deans Council A ranked, WOS Social Science Citation Indexed (SSCI) JCR Q2 IF : 2.853, AJG 2022 rank 2, Scopus Indexed Quartile 1)
  18. Hiew, L.C., Lee Hung, A., Leong, C.M., Liew, C.Y., Soe, M.T. (2022). Do they really intend to adopt e-wallet? Prevalence estimates for government support and perceived susceptibility. Asian Journal of Business Research, 12(1), 77-98. (Scopus Indexed Quartile 2, Australian Business Deans Council “C” ranked journal)(doi: 10.14707/ajbr.220121).
  19. Liew, C. Y., Ko, Y., Song, B. L., Murthy, S. T. (2022). Directors’ compensation, ownership concentration and the value of the firm: evidence from an emerging market. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 49(1), 155-188. (Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI), AJG 2022 Rank 1).
  20. Chao, S., Liew, C.Y., Shibgatullah, A.S. (2022). Factors affecting user intention towards mobile banking applications in Henan, China. In P. C. Lai (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social Impacts of E-Payment and Blockchain Technology (pp. 362-375). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
  21. Dawood, H. M., Liew, C. Y., Lau, T. C. (2021). Mobile perceived trust mediation on the intention and adoption of FinTech innovations using mobile technology: A systematic literature review. F1000Research, 10(1252)(Scopus Index Quartile 1, CiteScore 5.0, Publisher : Taylor & Francis) 
  22. Liew, C.Y., Ko, Y.K., Song, B.L., Murthy, S.T. (2021). Directors’ remuneration, expropriation and firm performance in Malaysia: Evidence from non-executive directors’ service duration within the remuneration committee. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 28(1/2), 117-146 (Scopus indexed Quartile 4). 
  23. Najaf, K., Schinckus, C., Liew, C.Y. (2021). VaR and market value of Fintech companies: an analysis and evidence from global data. Managerial Finance, 47(7), 915-936. (Scopus indexed Quartile 3 and WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) journal, Australian Business Deans Council “B” ranked journal)(AJG 2022 Rank 1).
  24. Song, B. L., Liew, C. Y., Sia, J. Y., Gopal, K. (2021). Electronic word-of-mouth in travel social networking sites and young consumers’ purchase intentions: An extended information adoption model. Young Consumers, 22(4), 521-538.(Scopus Indexed Quartile 1, WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI), Australian Business Deans Council “B” ranked journal)(AJG 2022 Rank 1). 
  25. Liew, C. Y., Devi, S. (2020). Family firms, banks and firm value: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Family Business Management, 11(1), 51-85.(Scopus indexed Quartile 1 and WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) journal)(AJG 2022 Rank 1). 
  26. Liew, C. Y., Devi, S.S. (2020). Independent directors’ tenure, related party transactions, expropriation and firm value: Evidence from Malaysian publicly listed corporations. In L. Farinha, Cruz, A.B., Sebastiao, J.R. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Accounting and Financial Studies (pp. 182-207). Pennsylvania, United States: IGI Global 
  27. Liew, C.Y., Song, B.L. (2017). Consumers’ perception on organisational corporate social responsibility practices and its implications on consumer attitude: Evidence from the Malaysian telecommunication industry. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 7(4), 112-122 (Excellent Research Australia (ERA) indexed journal)..
  28. Liew, C. Y., Alfan, E., Devi, S.S. (2017). Family firms, expropriation and firm value : Evidence of the role of independent directors in Malaysia. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 6, 42- 64 (WOS Emerging Sources Citation Indexed Journal; Universal Impact Factor 0.875). 
  29. Liew, C. Y., Alfan, E., Devi, S.S. (2015). Family firms, expropriation and firm value : Evidence from related party transactions in Malaysia. Journal of Developing Areas Special Issue, 49(5), 139-153 (Association of Business Schools (ABS) Rank 2 (2010), SCImago indexed and Excellent Research Australia (ERA) journal ranking)(AJG 2022 Rank 1). 


  1. Matemilola, B., Kijkasiwat, P., Liew, C.Y. (2022). Firm Age, Firm Size, Profitability, Asset Tangibility and Leverage : Evidence from Emerging Markets. Paper presented at the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Emerging Markets (CIEMC), Bodh Gaya, India.
  2. Tan, C., Liew, C.Y. (2021). Behavioural Economics, Health Belief Model, and Institutional Quality: An Exploratory Analysis on the Predictors of Intention to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine. Paper presented at the AUA and ICSGS Academic Conference, University of Indonesia. 
  3. Khoo, A. P., Ong, S.F., Liew, C.Y. (2021). Factors That Affect Investors’ Intention to Adopt Robo-advisory Services in Malaysia. Paper presented at the ICAMME-LSCM Conference, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia. 
  4. Liew, S. P., Koong, H.M., Liew, C.Y., Loh, Y.F. (2020). Risk and return : Empirical evidence from Malaysia. Paper presented at the The 22nd Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2020, Virtual.
  5. Hobeika, J., Liew, C.Y. (2018). Is Bitcoin Under Influence ? Paper presented at the 6th Paris Financial Management Conference, IPAG Business School, Paris, France, 17th-19th December, 2018.
  6. Liew, C.Y.; Ko, Y.K.; Song, B.L.; Murthy, S.T. (2018). Family firms, directors’ remuneration, expropriation and firm Value: Evidence of the role of independent directors’ tenure within the remuneration committee in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 4th Asia International Conference, Langkawi International Convention Centre, Langkawi, Malaysia, 8th-9th December, 2018.
  7. Liew, C.Y.; Ko, Y.K.; Song, B.L.; Murthy, S.T. (2018), “Directors’ Remuneration, Ownership Concentration, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence From Malaysia”, Paper Presented At The 6th International Conference On Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets (CGEM) at The Central Bank of Netherlands, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th-6th July, 2018.
  8. Liew, C.Y.; Devi, S.S.; Alfan, E. (2017), “Family Firms, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence Of The Role Of Banks In Malaysia”, Paper Presented At The 8th International Research Meeting In Business and Management (IRMBAM-2017) at IPAG Business School, Nice Campus, France, 5th-6th July, 2017.
  9. Liew, C.Y.; Devi, S.S.; Alfan, E. (2015), “Independent Directors’ Tenure, Related Party Transactions, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence From Malaysian Firms”, Paper Presented At The 5th International Conference On Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets (CGEM) at The Centre For Corporate Governance, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany, 25th-26th September, 2015.
  10. Liew, C.Y.; Devi, S.S.; Alfan, E. (2015), “Family Firms, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence Of The Role Of Independent Directors In Malaysia”, Paper Presented At The Journal of Management And Governance (JMG) Conference (ISI-Indexed Conference) at The Free University Bolzano-Bozen, Bolzano, Italy, 16th-17th July,2015.
  11. Liew, C.Y.; Devi, S.S.; Alfan, E. (2014), “Family Firms, Expropriation And Firm Value : Evidence From Related Party Transactions In Malaysia”, Paper Presented In TheAustralian Academy of Business and Social Science (AABSS) Conference in partnership with The Journal of Developing Areas (JDA), United States at the Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25th August-26th August, 2014.
  12. Liew, C.Y.; Devi, S.S.; Alfan, E. (2012), “Family Firms, Expropriation And Firm Value: Evidence From Malaysia”, Paper Presented In The Accounting and Finance Research Issues in Capital Market Behaviour Symposium at the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia, 26th July, 2012.
  13. Liew, C.Y.; Samad, M. F.; Alfan, E.; Munir, S. (2011), Expropriation- Related Variables and Firm Performance: Evidence From Malaysian Family Firms, Paper Presented at The British Accounting and Finance Association, Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies SIG Sixth Workshop Programme at the School of Business, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom, 14th October, 2011.
  14. Liew, C.Y. & Samad, M. F. (2011), “Expropriation-Related Variables and Firm Performance: Evidence From Malaysian Family Firms”, Proc. June, 13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, CD-Rom.
  15. Liew, C.Y. (2004), “Relationship Between Corporate Profits & Capital Structure, Fixed Assets & Working Capital In The Malaysian Context”, Proc. August, National Conference On Accounting & Finance, Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia,CD-Rom.
  16. Khoo, C. C., Ong, S. F., & Liew, C. Y. (2024). Factors which affect investors’ intention to adopt robo-advisory services in Malaysia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2951(1). doi:10.1063/5.0182740

Manuscripts Reviewed

  1. Invited to review manuscript entitled “Factors Influencing Dividend Policy In Manufacturing Companies” for Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration (APJBA) which is a Thomson Reuters International Scientific Indexed (ISI) Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) Journal, SCOPUS indexed journal and Australian Business Dean’s Council (ABDC) “C” ranked journal.
  2. Invited to review manuscript entitled “Corporate Green CSR/CSE Management based on a Metadata Analysis” for Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (formerly known as British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade) which is an open peered review and open access international journal under
  3. Invited to review manuscript entitled “Internal Corporate Governance Structures and Voluntary Corporate Governance Disclosures - A Case of India” for Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA) (Scopus Indexed and Thomson Reuters International Scientific Indexed (ISI) Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) Journal) published by University of Malaya and Australian Business Dean’s Council (ABDC) “C” ranked journal.
  4. Invited to review manuscript entitled “Ownership And Segment Disclosure: Moderating Effect Of Competitiveness In Malaysia” for Accounting Research Journal (Non-ISI and Emerald-Indexed Journal).
  5. Invited to review manuscript entitled “A Post-Merger Efficiency Of Banks In Nigeria : A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Based Impact Analysis” for Journal of Business Management and Administration (JBMA)(Non-ISI and Non-Scopus Cited International Refereed Journal).
  6. Invited to review manuscript entitled “Corporate characteristics and audit quality: Evidence from quoted firms in Nigeria” for Journal of Business Management and Administration (JBMA)(Non-ISI and Non-Scopus Cited International Refereed Journal).
  7. Invited to review manuscript for Journal Of Economics and International Finance (JEIF)(Non-ISI and Non-Scopus Cited International Refereed Journal)
  8. Invited to review manuscript entitled “The relationship between financing as capital structure and economic value added” for Issues In Business, Management & Economics (IBME (Non-ISI and Non-Scopus Cited International Refereed Journal).

Professional Membership & Activities

  • Appointed to be a reviewer for the National Conference 2017 of Italian Academy of “Economia Aziendale” (AIDEA) with the theme entitled “New Trends in Business Economics and Management Studies. Rewriting the Relationship between Business and Society”(14th and 15th of September, 2017) organized by Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy.
  • Appointed to be a reviewer for the Asia Pacific Conference On International Accounting Issues in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Nov 5th-8th, 2017) organised by California State University, USA and Unitar International University, Malaysia.
  • Panel reviewer for Journal of Management & Organization (formerly known as Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management) which is published by University of Cambridge, England. This journal is a Thomson Reuters International Scientific Indexed (ISI) Social Science Citation Indexed journal and Australian Business Dean’s Council (ABDC) “B” ranked journal.
  • Panel reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration (APJBA) (Scopus Indexed, Thomson Reuters International Scientific Indexed (ISI) Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) Journal and Australian Business Dean’s Council (ABDC) “C” ranked journal) published by Emerald Publishing.
  • Panel reviewer for Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA) (Scopus Indexed and Thomson Reuters International Scientific Indexed (ISI) Emerging Sources Citation Indexed (ESCI) Journal) published by University of Malaya.
  • Panel reviewer for Institutions and Economies (Scopus Indexed journal) published by University of Malaya.
  • Panel reviewer for the Accounting Research Journal
  • Editorial Board Member of The International Association of Economics, Finance and Sustainable Business Of Canada
  • Member of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA)

Achievements & Awards

  • The Most Active Researcher Award 2022 in Faculty of Business & Management, UCSI University
  • The Social Media Highly Engaged Research Award 2022 in Faculty of Business & Management, UCSI University
  • Outstanding Mentoring Research Award 2022 in Faculty of Business & Management, UCSI University
  • Runner-up for the Bates-White Prize for the Best Paper at the Society of Financial Econometrics (SoFiE) Annual Meeting 2022 at Stern Business School, New York University, USA.
  • Best paper award at the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Emerging Markets 2022 organised by the Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya, India and Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
  • Visiting Assistant Professor – Finance to Khon Khaen University, Thailand (QS Asian Universities ranked 133 for 2023) in 2022.
  • My publication entitled “Health belief and behaviour: An analysis of the predictors for receiving COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia” published in Public Administration And Policy : An Asia-Pacific Journal has been recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and can be found in its database:
  • Appointed as the External Assessor for Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (Sarawak Campus) Foundation Studies Programme (2021).
  • Appointed as a Member of Editorial Review Board for International Journal of Emerging Markets (Social Science Citation Indexed)(Journal Impact Factor for 2021 : 3.422)
  • Appointed as an Associate Editor for the journal, Corporate Governance – The International Journal of Business in Society (Scopus Quartile 1 Ranked Journal) from May 2020 to May 2021.
  • Visiting Assistant Professor – Finance to Guangxi University School of Finance and Economics, People’s Republic of China in 2021.
  • Won the Best Presenter Award at the Asian University Alliance (AUA) Conference (2021) organized by University of Indonesia, University of Malaya, University of Tokyo and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.
  • Invited to present my research at Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi, India.
  • Provided a talk on "Financial Literacy in the Fintech Era" through The Center for Market Education (CME) Webinar on 7th December, 2021.
  • Appointed as Research Fellow at The Center For Market Education Malaysia in 2021.
  • Awarded partial conference grant to attend and present a paper as well as become a discussant at the 6th International Conference on Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on the 5th- 6th of July, 2018.
  • Awarded the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia's scholarship and University Malaya’s research assistantship to undertake PhD in Finance at University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2009.
  • Appointed as an Executive Committee Member of The Interdisciplinary Perspectives Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Accounting and Finance Association, United Kingdom since July, 2019.

Networks and Collaborations on Research

  1. United States of America
  2. People's Republic of China
  3. India
  4. Thailand
  5. Morocco
  6. France
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Saudi Arabia
  9. New Zealand
  10. Vietnam
  11. Turkey
  12. Sultanate of Oman
  13. South Africa

Contributions to Society

  1. Interviewed by international and local mass media such as Radio France International, The Star, New Straits Times, BFM89.9, Radio Televisyen Malaysia, TV3, etc on current issues encountered by Malaysia.
  2. Participated in charity activities for orphanages and senior citizens' homes.
  3. Published an article in the Star newspaper on cyber risks in the banking sector in Malaysia in January, 2022.
  4. Published an article in the Malaysian Reserve Newspaper on the revision of the equity guidelines for SPACs by the Securities Commission (SC) of Malaysia in December, 2021.
  5. Invited to give a talk at Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi, India.
  6. Interviewed by BFM89.9 radio channel on the launch of the Capital Market Masterplan 3 in Malaysia by the Securities Commission 
  7. Provided a talk on "Financial Literacy in the Fintech Era" through The Center for Market Education (CME) Webinar on 7th December, 2021.
  8. Research Fellow at the Center for Market Education (CME)
  9. Executive Committee Member of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Interdisciplinary Research Special Interest Group (SIG)