Kuala Lumpur, 07 October, 2011 - As soon as classes were over on the hot and humid afternoon of 26th September 2011, the UCSI A-Level Academy students hurried to the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH). It was the start of the A-Level Academy Sports Carnival 2011 held from the 26th September 2011 to the 7th October 2011. For the very first time in my life, it was so good to watch with my very own eyes so many of my friends from various intakes and a wide range of countries, races, culture and religion show great enthusiasm and teamwork throughout the entire event. 

Without much delay, the badminton match started! The participants gave it their all to win every single point. Much skill and technique in handling the high-speed shuttlecocks were shown by our very own A-Level students, from low net shots to jumping smashes: quality was definitely shown by all, even the lecturers! 

As each day passed, the competition and enthusiasm shown just got stronger and there was such great atmosphere especially when our very own A-Level lecturers were involved in the dodge ball and captain ball matches respectively. All games were held in the Multi Purpose Hall (MPH), except for the Pool competition which was held in Fireball Cafe located outside of UCSI. 

With a blink of an eye, 2 whole weeks of fun-filled sports competitions concluded the A-Level Academy Sports Carnival 2011. It was undeniable that the organizing committee had put in 110% of efforts in ensuring the success of this whole event! 

According to Kishore Naath, the organizing chairman, this year’s sports carnival was a roaring success. Kishore explained that the sports carnival did not just reach its main objective of inculcating team spirit amongst the A-Level students, but he also observed many new friendships were made across intakes throughout these 2 weeks. What he enjoyed most was the sight of the A-level students enjoying each other’s company like one big happy family. 

Another organizing committee member, Ruel Abbarow, also said a big “Thank You” to the UCSI University team players who had taken time off to become referees to ensure that all games were judged fairly. 

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success. I can happily say that it was the Spirit of Teamwork and Friendship that made this event a memorable one. 

Written by,
Joshua Yon Chun Yee
(July 2011 Group A) 

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