9 NovMaking Their Mark in Banking, IT and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Professor Ts Dr Ooi Keng Boon and Associate Professor Dr Garry Tan Wei Han have been acknowledged among the "Top 10 Authors in the World" in the area of Banking, Information Technology and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The ranking was based on the bibliometric analysis of 259 articles published in this area from 1998-2017 using the Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) database.
Autores | Quantidade de artigos | % of 259 |
OLIVEIRA T | 9 | 3.48% |
OOI KB | 9 | 3.48% |
DWIVEDI YK | 7 | 2.70% |
MUNOZ-LEIVA F | 6 | 2.32% |
ALALWAN AA | 5 | 1.93% |
TAN GWH | 4 | 1.54% |
WILLIAMS MD | 4 | 1.54% |
ZHOU T | 4 | 1.54% |
(Source: Alves, V. L. M. F., & Galegale, N. V. (2020). Serviços bancários, tecnologia da informação e Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)–um estudo bibliométrico/Banking, information technology and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)-a bibliometric study. Brazilian Journal of Development, 6(4), 18155-18170, p. 18167).
“We are motivated to bridge technology and financial innovations from a banking viewpoint by advancing sophisticated statistical analysis such as the combination of structural-equation-modelling and artificial-neural-network (SEM-ANN) analysis,” said the duo.
Prof Ooi and Dr Garry have been ranked globally in the last few years such as among the World's "Top 10 Core Authors" in Social Commerce (2018), "Top 3 Authors in the World" in the area of Mobile Commerce (2017), "World’s 10 Most Productive and Influential Authors" in the discipline of Mobile Commerce and Application (2017) and many others. These acknowledgements are a testament of their work rendered over the years and signifies that their work is relevant to international scholars.
According to them, technological advancement in the banking services has disrupted the traditional business model of many financial institutions whereby they are now forced to adopt digitalisation to improve efficiency, reduce risk and to better serve the customers. While this is seen as promising, many users in Malaysia are not ready to embrace this new change.
On how to be successful in publishing one’s work, they had this to say: “It is vital to submit your work with reputable publishers indexed in Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) or Scopus to increase the visibility of your publications. In additional, the topic of research should be novel and interesting and should be able to capture the reader’s interest.”