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Professor Ooi and Dr Garry Acknowledged as High Impact Researchers

Professor Ts Dr Ooi Keng Boon and Associate Professor Dr Garry Tan Wei Han have been recognised as the Top 5 Malaysian Authors and high impact researchers in the topic "Technology Acceptance Model; Mobile Payment; UTAUT" 2015-2020 by Elsevier's Scopus and Scival. 

Besides that, Professor Ooi has also been acknowledged as one of the World’s Top 10 Authors and high-impact researchers (ranked #6) in the same area from 2015-2020. The record indicates that both Dr Garry’s Tan’s and Professor Ooi's work has been cited over 7 times in the world average levels, implying their work quality in attracting citations.

Both were delighted over the recognition as it signified that their work is relevant at the international level among scholars. It was also a testament to their hard work over the years.

“Professionally, the recognition also suggests that our work on mobile payment has gained enough recognition among other academicians. Citation impact is an important criterion in the QS World University Rankings under the category 'citation per faculty' which carries a total weightage of 20 percent,” said Professor Ooi and Dr Garry.

“We aspire that, through this recognition, UCSI will be positioned and remembered as one of the major players in mobile payment research,” both added.  

In mobile payment research, it is essential to understand the low adoption rate and the factors affecting consumer's decisions. It is also important to note that the availability of mobile devices does not necessarily lead to mobile payment usage immediately. Socially, the implications of these studies can contribute to revenue generation and job creations in our country.

The advancement of mobile payment has altered the traditional payment system. However, many consumers do not adopt this new change despite the benefits, implying the need to understand their acceptance level.

Both Professor Ooi and Dr Garry ascertained that their papers' findings can be generalised to many other perspectives such as healthcare, shopping, government, transportation, marketing, tourism, learning, entertainment, etc.  This further emphasised the validity and quality of their research in contemporary times. 

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