UCSI University 2012 Pre-University Sports Carnival

October 2012 - The first time we were told about the UCSI University Pre-University Sports Carnival, I imagined a very humble and small-scaled event with a few simple games. Never did I imagine that it was going to be this intense. Held from 2nd October 2012 till 11th October 2012, the main aim of this sports carnival was to promote unity among local and international students, as well as lecturers. An array of games such as dodgeball, futsal, basketball, badminton and captain ball was organised. 

The carnival kicked off aggressively with the futsal games on 2nd October 2012 at the futsal court in the North Wing premise of UCSI University. The scorching heat did not stop the futsal players from having fun and showing their skills on court. The following events were all held in the Multi Purpose Hall of UCSI University’s South Wing premise. Both the dodgeball game and the badminton doubles match on 4th October caught the attention of many as they were indeed highly energetic and amusing. . The next game on 8th October was basketball! The court was on fire with the teams fighting their way to the top, almost literally, to score every point for their team to win. The captain ball competition also captured everyone’s attention with the players’ invigorating moves and display of enthusiasm. Every single player, even the lecturers never ceased to amaze with their fast reflexes and steady concentration. 

As much as we enjoyed the entire week, the sports carnival had to come to an end on 11th October 2012 with the Closing Ceremony. The Director of the Centre for Pre-U Studies, Ms Mabel Tan, expressed her gratitude to the School of A-Levels Students’ Association (SALSA) and Foundation Students’ Society (FSS) for making this event a success. Then, the medals were presented to all the 2nd runner-ups, 1st runner-ups and Champions by the guests of honour. Aaron Dass Raju, who managed to score 7 goals throughout the futsal matches, was crowned The Best Futsal Player. The whole event was wrapped up with a thank you speech from our very own FSS President and Organising Chairman, Imran Shukri and Vice Organising Chairman, Lau Chzee An. After that, shutter sounds and cheers were heard everywhere as the winners posed with their medals and proud smiles. 

One of the members from the July 2011 intake, Joshua Yon Chun Yee, who bagged a bronze and a gold medal alongside his teammates said he was awed by the effort that the organising committee put in combining the Foundation students and A-Levels students. He conveyed his appreciation to the organising committee for pulling off this splendid event despite all the challenges that they faced. 

As I was leaving the hall after the closing ceremony, my new friend, Wayne Cheah Yee Yang greeted me. As we reminiscence on our fun and thrilling moments together throughout the carnival, I realised we have actually achieved our main goal of instilling sportsmanship and sewing the seed of friendship among every student. We have come together as one for this event and will still be one for the events to come. 

-Renugkha Nair a/p Krishnan Nair- 

-July 2012(B)-

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