UCSI University Industry Placement Makes Me a Better Person

The graduates of the 21st Century need to compete in an ever-increasing homogeneous job market. In today’s market, employment has been continuously growing and at the same time, graduates are facing increased competition for jobs. It is part of a university’s task to produce competent global employees that excel beyond knowledge boundaries. One of the key issues that affects employability of fresh graduates is the notion that industry prefers ready-made employees rather than graduates who are merely well-versed in the fundamentals of their craft. 

UCSI University, through its national Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) project called Entry Point Programme (EPP) 10, has been aggressively embarking on ensuring her graduates are equipped with cross cultural and global thinking skills. Since the introduction of the work-based learning mode of study in the hospitality programmes in 2011, many students have found themselves embracing new opportunities overseas. 

Gavin Naoki Danna, one of the students undergoing his industry placement at Traders Hotel Johor Bahru returned to the University and said “Industry placement makes me a better person.” 

The Head of Department of Culinary Arts, Joseph Martin Pudun commented, “Gavin was one of the most stubborn students that I met over my lecturing years. He always had to have his own way in doing things and seemed not to be interested in whatever his lecturers taught in class. I had to put in extra effort to focus on him”. “I was not good in grooming and really poor in time management as well” Gavin admitted. 

“I was so worried about him before sending him off for the industry placement and I had to spend extra effort in coaching him. However, he changed a lot after coming back from the industry placement. He improved in his attitude and did well in time management” Joseph added. 

Being offered a vacancy in Shangri-La Hotel Singapore, Gavin recalled his time during his industry placement, “It was really tough during the first few months as that had been the first time I had left my hometown for so many months. But I managed to overcome after two months and coped well in the daily routine”. “My direct supervisor was really strict in coaching me. In spite of that, he has been one of the chefs that inspire me to become a better chef in future. He gave personal training and coached me throughout my placement in the hotel. Through this industry placement, I have learnt proper time management, self-discipline, punctuality and respect for supervisors and peers, which I believe, will all be added advantages to my future career” he added. 

“UCSI University provided a platform for me to step out from my hometown to gain better exposure. The way the University trained us made it easier for me to cope when I was placed at the hotel, and lecturers in UCSI helped me a lot before I entered into the real life working environment. Mr Joseph had been spending extra time teaching me what I should do and should not do in the kitchen. He was strict in the class but very friendly and interactive with students when we were out of the class or kitchen” Gavin enthused.

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