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Dr. Chiong Meng Choung
Research Impact:
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Assistant Professor Ir Dr Chiong Meng Choung

Head of Postgraduate Studies

Academic Qualifications

PhD Chemical Engineering
Master of Philosophy
BEng Robotics & Mechatronics

Areas of Interest
Alternative fuels combustion
Premixed combustion
Non-premixed combustion
Ammonia combustion
Professional Bodies

  1. Professional Engineer (BEM) 
  2. Chartered Engineer (ECUK) 
  3. Member, IMechE  
  4. Graduate Engineer (BEM) 


  1. Co-Researcher, Environmental assessment on the co-valorization of plastic waste and sewage sludge through microwave pyrolysis. Funded by Xiamen University Malaysia via Xiamen University Malaysia Research Fund. (XMUMRF/2023-C11/IENG/0055) 

  2. Principal Investigator, Investigating the partially premixed ammonia/hydrogen swirl combustion. Funded by UCSI University via Research Excellence & Innovation Grant. (REIG-FETBE-2021/035) 


  1. GR Mong, MC Chiong*, CT Chong, JH Ng, S Mashruk, MV Tran, KM Lee, NA Samiran, KY Wong, A Valera-Medina (2023). Fuel-lean ammonia/biogas combustion characteristics under the reacting swirl flow conditions. Fuel, vol. 331 (P2), pp. 125983. 

  1. XL Fang, MC Chiong*, LJ Yu, ZH Li, XW Chen, CS Hassan, KY Wong (2023). Moving magnet linear compressor: Operating characteristics under resonance and off-resonance frequencies. Journal of King Saud University – Science, vol. 35(3), pp. 102544. 

  1. HY Tan, KY Wong, MH Dzarfan Othman, BB Nyakuma, DDVS Chin, HY Kek, WS Ho, H Hashim, MC Chiong, MA Zubir, NH Abdul Wahab, SL Wong, RA Wahab, IH Hatif (2023). Does human movement-induced airflow elevate infection risk in burn patient’s isolation ward? A validated dynamics numerical simulation approach. Energy & Buildings, vol. 283, pp. 112810. 

  1. S Mashruk, H Xiao, D Pugh, MC Chiong, J Runyon, B Goktepe, A Giles, A Valera-Medina (2023). Numerical analysis on the evolution of NH2 in ammonia/hydrogen swirling flames and detailed sensitivity analyses under elevated conditions. Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 195 (6), pp. 1251-1278. 

  1. GR Mong, CS Liew, WWF Chong, SA Mohd Nor, JH Ng, R Idris, MC Chiong, JW Lim, ZA Zakaria, KS Woon (2022). Environment impact and bioenergy analysis on the microwave pyrolysis of WAS from food industry: Comparison of CO2 and N2 atmosphere. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 319 (1), pp. 115665. 

  1. GR Mong, WWF Chong, SA Mohd Nor, JH Ng, CT Chong, R Idris, MC Chiong, SL Wong, BB Nyakuma (2022). Waste-to-Bio Energy pathway for waste activated sludge from food processing industries: An experiment on the valorization potential under CO2 and N2 atmospheres through microwave-induced pyrolysis. Fuel, vol. 323, pp. 124380. 

  1. XY Lim, PNY Yek, RK Liew, MC Chiong, WA Wan Mahari, WX Peng, CT Chong, CY Lin, M Aghbashlo, M Tabatabaei, SS Lam (2022). Engineered biochar produced through microwave pyrolysis as fuel additive in biodiesel combustion. Fuel, vol. 312, pp. 122839. 

  1. MC Chiong, CT Chong, JH Ng, S Mashruk, WWF Chong, NA Samiran, GR Mong, A Valera-Medina (2021). Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 244, pp. 114460. 

  1. MC Chiong, HS Kang, NMR Shaharuddin, S Mat, KQ Lee, KH Ten, MC Ong (2021). Challenges and opportunities of marine propulsion with alternative fuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 149, pp. 111397. 

  1. GR Mong, WWF Chong, SA Mohd Nor, JH Ng, CT Chong, R Idris, JW Too, MC Chiong, MA Abas. Pyrolysis of waste activated sludge from food manufacturing industry: Thermal degradation, kinetics and thermodynamics analysis. Energy, vol. 235, pp. 121264. 

  1. Chiong MC, Valera-Medina A, Chong WWF, Chong CT, Mong GR, Mohd Jaafar MN (2020). Effects of swirler vane angle on palm biodiesel/natural gas combustion in swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Fuel, vol. 277, pp. 118213.  

  1. Chong CT, Chiong MC, Teyo ZY, Ng JH, Chong WWF, Tran MV, Lam SS, Valera-Medina A (2020). Pool Fire Burning Characteristics of Biodiesel. Fire Technology, vol. 56 (4), pp. 1703-1724. 

  1. Chong CT, Chiong MC, Ng JH, Lim MT, Tran MV, Valera-Medina A, WWF Chong (2019). Oxygenated Sunflower Biodiesel: Spectroscopic and Emissions Quantification under Reacting Swirl Spray Conditions. Energy, vol. 178, pp. 804-813.     

  1. Chiong MC, Chong CT, Ng JH, Lam SS, Tran MV, Chong WWF, Mohd Jaafar MN, A Valera-Medina (2018). Liquid Biofuels Production and Emissions Performance in Gas Turbines: A Review. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 173, pp. 640-658.


  • Invited Speaker (National Conference), Alternative fuel towards greener shipping, Malaysia Maritime Week 2022 (MMW22). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 22 February 2022. 

Editorial Board

Energy Sources Part A 

Awards and Recognitions

  • Silver Award, Integrated Downdraft Gasifier-Engine Generator. Malaysia Technology Expo 2023, World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur. 

  • Gold Award, Green technology of High-H2 Syngas flame in a premixed swirl burner system. Research & Innovation Technology Competition 2021, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.