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Associate Professor Dr Chew Yik Ling

Associate Professor Dr Chew Yik Ling

Head of Postgraduate Studies | Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Academic Qualifications

Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching
Bachelor of Science (Hons)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

Areas of Interest
Bioactivity of tropical plants specifically on anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activities
Effect of tropical plants and herbal medicine on managing atopic dermatitis

Current research project (PI/Co-PI)




Evaluation of the Antioxidant, Antimicrobial Properties, Cell Migration and Wound Regeneration Properties of Phytochemicals in Senna alata Fraction using Keratinocytes

UCSI University Research Excellence & Innovation Grant (REIG)

University of Cyberjaya, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman,  Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) Sri Lanka


Mechanistic Understanding and Evaluation of AntiInflammatory, Toxicity and Wound Healing Activities of Cassia alata Leaves Polyphenols using Atopic Dermatitis Models (PI)

Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)

Monash University, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

University of Cyberjaya


Development of a Luteolin Loaded Folate Decorated Vitamin E TPGS-Poloxamer Long Circulating Micelle for Multi Drug Resistant Breast Cancer Smart Targeting (Co-PI)

Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)

University of Cyberjaya


Development of tocotrienol orally disintegrating dosage forms

Industrial grant Dong Fong Manufacturer Sdn Bhd

University of Cyberjaya













Development of probiotics orally disintegrating tablets and a probiotics fast melt effervescent capsules (Co-PI)

Industrial grant Janipro (M) Sdn Bhd.

University of Cyberjaya


Development and Evaluation of A Memantine Hydrochloride Fast Melt Orally Disintegrating Tablet Using Cocoa Butter by Fusion Moulding Method (Co-PI)

UOC Research Grant Scheme

University of Cyberjaya


Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Standardized Extract of Vernonia Amydgdalina Del. Leaf with Metformin/Glibenclamide Oral Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Co-PI)

Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF)

MAHSA University Universiti Sains Malaysia


Development and Evaluation of Mangosteen and Seaweed Based Shampoo and Conditioner for Anti-Hair Fall, Anti- Development and Evaluation of Mangosteen and Seaweed Based Face and Eye Serum for Anti-Aging and Anti-Acne Effects and Hair Moisturising Effects (Co-PI)

Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF)



Forced degradation studies and development of a stability indicating method of flibanserin active pharmaceutical ingredient (Co-PI)

Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF)



Determination of alendronate sodium and acarbose in tablets (Co-PI)

Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF)




Supervision: (Current student on top, followed by completed. Example shown below)

PhD students (Current)

  1. Zhao Wenyang
  2. Lee Sue Kei
  3. Sang Sze Huey
  4. Tan Puay Luan


PhD students (Completed)



Master students (Current)

  1. Haya Mohammed Qaid Al-Mansari
  2. Keng Jing Wen
  3. Xu Zhao


Master students (Completed)

  1. Udyanee Jeyaweera (2022)
  2. Lee Hon Kent (2020)


Undergraduate students (Current)


Undergraduate students (Completed)

  1. Jessica Yon Ai-Lyn (2022)
  2. Lee Zi Xin (2021)
  3. Lee Sue Kei (2021)
  4. Khor Mei Ann (2020)
  5. Goh Yee-Yeong (2017)

Professional Bodies Membership

  1. Royal Society of Biology, United Kingdom
  2. Golden Key International Honour Society
  3. Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (MSMBB)
  4. Malaysia Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSBMB)
  5. Malaysian Natural Products Society (MNPS)
  6. Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen- und Naturstoff-Forschung e. V.) 


  1. Lee Siew-Keah, Chua Ang-Lim, Liew Kai Bin, Chew Yik Ling (2023). Updates on Impacts of Epigallocatechin Gallate Co-administration in Modulating Pharmacokinetics of Statins, calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers. Planta Medica, DOI: 10.1055/a-2111-7319.
  2. Siew-Keah Lee *, Ang-Lim Chua *, Clement Heng Yew Fong, Brian Cong Hao Ban, Wen Ling Ng, Jing Feng Kong, Yik Ling Chew, Kai Bin Liew (2023). Self-Assessment of INTERHEART Risk Stratification among the Middle-Aged Community in Malaysia. Nutrients, 15, 2382.
  3. Maelinda Daker, Udyanee Jayaweera, Marini Marzuki, Gunaletchumy Gunasegaran, Yik Ling Chew, Mariam Ahmad, Gabriel Akyirem Akowuah (2022). Content of luteolin and luteolin-7-О-glucoside from the leaves of Vernonia amygdalina Del., and synergistic inhibitory effect with cisplatin on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells, Chemical Data Collection, 45, 101039.
  4. Yon, J. A. L., Lee, S. K., Keng, J. W., Chow, S. C., Liew, K. B., Teo, S. S., Shaik Mossadeq, W.M., Marriott, P.J., Akowuah, G.A., Ming, L.C. and Goh, B.H., Chew, Y. L. (2022). Cassia alata (Linnaeus) Roxburgh for Skin: Natural Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis in Asia and Their Pharmacological Activities. Cosmetics, 10(1), 5.
  5. Leong, R. Z. L., Lim, L. H., Chew, Y. L., & Teo, S. S. (2022). de novo transcriptome assembly for discovering gene expressed in Holothuria leucospilota with exposed to copper. Animal Biotechnology, 1-14.
  6. Chew, Y. L., Khor, M. A., Xu, Z., Lee, S. K., Keng, J. W., Sang, S. H., Gabriel Akyirem Akowuah, Goh, K. W., Liew, K. B. & Ming, L. C. (2022). Cassia alata, Coriandrum sativum, Curcuma longa and Azadirachta indica: Food Ingredients as Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis-A Comprehensive Review. Molecules, 27(17), 5475.
  7. Sabbagh, B. A., Kumar, P. V., Chew, Y. L., Chin, J. H., & Akowuah, G. A. (2022). Determination of metformin in fixed-dose combination tablets by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Chemical Data Collections, 39, 100868.
  8. Sue-Kei Lee, Zi-Xin Lee, Yau-Yan Lim, Kai-Bin Liew, Gabriel Akyirem Akowuah, Yik-Ling Chew. (2022) An Overview of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Phytochemistry, Ethnobotanical and Ethnomedicinal Uses, and Its Prospects in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Treatment. Natural Products Journal, 12 (7), 53-61,
  9. Yik-Ling Chew, Chairunnisa Arasi, Joo-Kheng Goh. Pyrogallol Induces Antimicrobial Effect and Cell Membrane Disruption on Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Current Bioactive Compounds, 18(1), 38-46.
  10. Yik-Ling Chew, Mei-Ann Khor, Yau-Yan Lim (2021), Choices of chromatographic methods as stability indicating assays for pharmaceutical products: A review. Heliyon, 7, e06553.

Journal Reviewers

Journal of Medicinal Plants Research; Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine; Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy; BioMed Research International; Heliyon; Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark; Frontiers in Pharmacology; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; BMC Complementary and Alternative Therapies; Pharmaceutical Biology; Journal of Clinical Medicine; Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology

Awards and Recognitions

  • Chartered Scientist, Royal Society of Biology, United Kingdom
  • Teaching Excellence Award, TEACH Award 2022, UCSI University
  • Gold Medal, Asia Youth Innovation Awards, Malaysia Technology Expo 2023, Healthcare, Personal care, technology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences category - Freeze Dried Memantine Hydrochloride Oral Fast Melt Film with Unit Dose Film Box for Geriatrics
  • Gold Medal, Asia Youth Innovation Awards, Malaysia Technology Expo 2023, Healthcare, Personal care, technology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences category - Steenfix Natural Shampoo: Flakes-away! Frizz-away! Frown-away
  • Bronze Medal, International Innovation Awards, Malaysia Technology Expo 2023, Healthcare, Personal care, technology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences category - Botanical Anti-Aging Eye Serum, The Wonders of Mangosteen
  • Silver Medal, 34th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition 2023 - Choc-ing Away at Non-Compliance: The Quentiapine Fumarate Medicated Chocolate for Schizophrenia Patients.
  • Top Research Publication Contributor, Research Excellence Award, UCSI University
  • Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Award, Research Excellence Award, UCSI University
  • Gold Medal, PENCIPTA’ 22 - In the Quest for Natural Anti-Aging Face Serum: The Magnificent Mangosteen
  • Bronze Medal, SDG International Innovation Award & Expo, Malaysia Technology Expo 2023, Good Health and Well Being category - Patient Friendly Chocolate Based Drug Delivery System: Fast Melt Cocoa Butter Tablet (FMT)
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Academic Session 2018/2019, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University
  • Outstanding Contribution, Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, by Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Academic Session 2017/2018, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, by Elsevier Scientific Database.
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Academic Session 2015/2016, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University
  • Top ten cited articles 2008-2010, LWT-Food Science and Technology, by Elsevier Scientific Database - Chew YL, Lim YY, Omar M, & Khoo KS (2008). Antioxidant activity of three edible seaweeds from two areas in South East Asia. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 41(6), 1067-1072


External examiner (dissertation)

  • Structure-Activity Relationship of Phytochemicals in Potentiating Antibiotics via Synergy, PhD thesis, Monash University (April 2021)
  • Development and evaluation of orally disintegrating film containing amlodipine besylate, BPharm thesis, University of Cyberjaya (July 2021)
  • Solubility Enhancement of Amlodipine Besylate by Solvent Evaporation Method, BPharm thesis University of Cyberjaya (July 2021)
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Soh Siew Chin. “Autism Genetic Testing: Awareness, Perception and Knowledge Among Malaysian Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Kuala Lumpur”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Ng Valynne. “Self-Perception of Health Among Elderly in Selangor, Malaysia”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Pavalashamini A/P Panjacharam. “Influence of Diet on Acne and Acne-Related Quality of Life among Adolescents in Malaysia”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Chin Ji Ho. “Awareness, Perception and Quality of Life of Topical Skin Lightening Users versus Non-Users in Kuala Lumpur”. UCSI University
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Dr Anamta Rehman. “Health Related Quality of Life Among Pakistanian Resident in Malaysia”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Dr Sundar Raj. “The Effectiveness of Dark Chocolate on Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patients”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Kamaleswary A/P Chinnathambi. “Effect of Diet and Exercise in Metabolic Syndrome”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Herny Tri Setiawati. “The Effectiveness of Oatmeal on Both Appetite Control and Satiety in Obese Adult Population”. UCSI University
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Zulkhairul Naim bin Sidek Ahmad. “Perception of Ageing among Urban Population in Sabah”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Healthy Aging, Medical Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine. Kyi Thwe Tun. “Effectiveness of Mediterranean Diet on Weight Management”. UCSI University
  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Yau Xin Yi. “Development and Validation of Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) Methods for analysis of Selected Aminoglycoside Antibiotics”. UCSI University.
  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Ali Saoud. “Analysis of acarbose in tablets by infrared spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography”. UCSI University.

Editorial Board Member

  • Journal of Clinical Medicine

  • Heliyon- Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacology and Toxicology Section

Community Engagement

  • Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, by National Lactation Centre (Pusat Laktasi Kebangsaan)