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Professor Ooi Is The World’s Most Productive Author 2019 for Mobile Commerce Research

Adding to his accolades, UCSI University’s Professor Dr Ooi Keng Boon has been recognised as the World’s Most Productive Author 2019 in mobile commerce and the Top Core Author publishing on social commerce.

The first recognition is based on the number of articles published in Web of Science (Thomson ISI), an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service maintained by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson ISI). Prof Ooi has published 20 articles from 2000 to 2015 in Web of Science as reported by Telematics and Informatics (Elsevier, SSCI; IF = 3.789), 2017, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 43-66. Please refer to the following table:

Source:  Hew, J. J. (2017). Hall of fame for mobile commerce and its applications: A bibliometric evaluation of a decade and a half (2000–2015). Telematics and Informatics34(1), 43-66.

He has also published 16 articles from 2007 to 2018 in Web of Science according to Sustainability (MDPI, SSCI, IF = 2.075), 2019, 11 (6), 1580, pp. 1-26 in the area of mobile commerce. Refer to Table 4 below:

Source:  Shan Du and Hua Li (2019). The Knowledge Mapping of Mobile Commerce Research: A Visual Analysis Based on I-Model. Sustainability, Volume 11 (6) 1580, pp. 1-26 (MDPI; SSCI; IF = 2.075).

His articles that also contributed to this recognition include those published in other journals such as Industrial Management & Data Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, and Computers in Human Behavior.

“I am thrilled about the recognition; at the same time, I also feel motivated to publish more articles in the field of mobile commerce. This recognition means that my hard work in the past has paid off and I look forward to further augment my research contributions in order to maintain such recognition,” he said.


As for the second recognition, again it is based on the number of articles published in Web of Science.  In the area of social commerce research, he has published 19 articles from 2003-2018 in Web of Science as stated in the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Electronic Library (AISeL) and has been ranked as number one in the Top 10 core authors based on an article by Li et al., (2018). Refer to Table 2:

Source: Li, Chengxi; Huang, Lijuan; Li, Linzi; and Qi, Zhiqiang (2018), "Bibliometric analysis of social commerce research", Association for Information Systems (AIS) Electronic Library (AISeL). International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB) 2018 proceedings, 86 (Winter 12-6-2018).

“I believe that the main motivator is my constant quest for knowledge. Every article written and published represents a new contribution of knowledge to the literature, and I feel satisfied in witnessing that,” said Prof Ooi.

“These recognitions show that the Faculty of Business and Information Science (FOBIS) is cultivating a conducive research culture across the faculty, in addition to teaching. As the dean of FOBIS, I would like my staff to play an active role in research as I firmly believe that this is a vital component for any university to improve its world rankings,” he said.

His advice to fellow researchers and students in the field:

“We are all in a learning process every single day of our lives, so don’t stop or refuse to learn. By practising a continuous learning process, you can go as far as you want,” said Prof Ooi.

“Lastly, I would like to dedicate my success to my co-authors and family members,” added Prof Ooi.

Click to view a list articles on Professor Ooi’s recent awards and recognitions:

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